I'm afraid I don't know as much about mapforge or FM8 or 9. The one thing I can tell you about cc3+ is that you don't have to get each specific product to be able to produce good maps. I started with just the basic combo pack: cc3+/cd3/dd3. That, combined with the CSUAC2, the Dundjinni Archives, and Bogie's Mapping objects helps me produce 95% of the maps I make. And if you look at my gallery, you will see a couple of 'modern' maps there, such as my town of DunHaven, and my underground Sybco Lab. So the possibility is there, to produce modern style maps, as long as you aren't trying to build a modern world. If you want to build a modern or futuristic world, you will probably need Cosmographer, and probably SS3 (symbol set 3). Perspectives might be able to help you create your own symbols for modern, or futuristic worlds, cities, dungeons, what ever you might need.
Also, Profantasy does offer 'bundle packs' for those that don't want to spend that kind of money all at once. Also, profantasy is always coming out with new content for their programs, in the form of the annuals. For those, you buy a yearly subscription, and something new comes out each month. So just because they don't have anything now, doesn't mean they won't in the future.