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Thread: Shandar: Land of the Exalted

  1. #31


    I've found some good fonts I have to test, lately, but they dont match your theme. I suppose you're right about the Samarkan font. I really have a problem to find fonts which are legible at very small size (and tend to use always a few ones...).

  2. #32
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Boonsboro MD, USA


    Oh my goodness, look at this! An update!
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  3. #33
    Professional Artist ThomasR's Avatar
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    Angers, France


    I love your borders and the map is great. Lots of contrasts that make the elements pop out. I suppose you're using Wilbur ?

  4. #34


    I just love this map, Diamond. Everything you've worked on so far is just perfect, and now the frame as well.

    I really like those runic symbols in the circles around your rhumb lines, and the colours you've used in the land, but those are just two of the excellent things to be seen here

  5. #35
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter Greg's Avatar
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    Looking real nice there, Diamond! Got to love the rhumb circles as other have pointed out too!

    Liking the nice space you're giving the map around the border and the backgorund and grassland texturing are just perfect!

    Only slight nitpick I have is the mountain texture. Something about it just doesn't quite gel with me. I think it's because when close up, it just seems slightly less defined than the other parts of the map. Who knows though, might just be me.

    Otherwise, looking very nice indeed Diamond!

  6. #36
    Guild Expert Eilathen's Avatar
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    I really like that you are starting to dig up older projects lately, and give them more love. I always loved your maps, so i don't have much to add. Very much like the map and am curious to see if there will be more updates Maybe tell us a bit more about the world (then you already did ).
    I'm trapped in Darkness,
    Still I reach out for the Stars

  7. #37
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thomrey View Post
    I suppose you're using Wilbur ?
    Nope, just photoshop.
    Quote Originally Posted by GLS View Post
    Only slight nitpick I have is the mountain texture. Something about it just doesn't quite gel with me. I think it's because when close up, it just seems slightly less defined than the other parts of the map. Who knows though, might just be me.
    Well, when I applied the bevel/emboss to make the mountains pop, I added a slight blur, otherwise things look too sharp and artificial. Fortunately they're still on their own layer, so I can add back some sharpness and see how it looks.
    Quote Originally Posted by Eilathen View Post
    I really like that you are starting to dig up older projects lately, and give them more love. I always loved your maps, so i don't have much to add. Very much like the map and am curious to see if there will be more updates Maybe tell us a bit more about the world (then you already did ).
    I'm working on a 'series bible' for it that I can post when I get a bit more done. Right now it's kind of fragment-y and won't make a whole lot of sense, but probably by next week I can throw it out there.

  8. #38
    Professional Artist ThomasR's Avatar
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    How do you get these mountains then ? I'm extremely curious. I'm working on OSX and cannot play with Wilbur so I'd be interested to know your process to get such maps.

  9. #39
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Check out post #16 for the link to Ascension's tutorial. Really, all I've done is just take that tut as a starting point and just experiment until I get stuff that looks cool.

  10. #40
    Guild Expert Domino44's Avatar
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    I love the feel to this! Great colors too!

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