Haha much better, thanks!
Okay so here goes:
I think they might be the wrong way around - but I might have this backward lol. Northern hemisphere should have high pressure, and low pressure over water. Southern hemisphere should have those the other way around. So the lows on the equator look correct, but then the northern hemisphere ones I think are the opposite to what it should be. The west of the southern hemisphere looks correct, but then over the landmass on the center/east there should be low pressure.
I think here the band across the northern tropic looks right, with the esception of the two high pressure areas over the continents which should instead be low pressure areas. The equator should still be high pressure over land and low over water, so that's mostly correct, and the band across the southern tropic looks the opposite of what it should be.
The way I did it on my map was basically split each map into two by covering half and only working on one hemisphere at a time. If that hemisphere is in summer, I first put H marks in the center of any large area of land, and then put L marks in the center of any large oceans. If that hemisphere is in winter, I'd do the opposite - put L marks on the land, then H marks on the water. In fact, I might be reading your map wrong and switching the land and water, in which case my advice above would be completely hopeless