I went to the generator and right off the bat got this one....


I really liked no.9, so I started in that direction.
"Irioriand, an artifical world of winding stone labyrinths filled with the sound of machinery.
The world is populated by living spells and dweomers."
Here's a crappy photo, hastily taken to show the sketch idea.

crappy sketch, rather...bad photo.jpg

I ended up writing a bunch of notes and am now incorporating this into some existing storyline.
So Iri-Oriand will live on beyond this challenge, not unlike other challenge maps, like Harlasea and Haerlech.
I just wanted to sketch and draw last night, so this one came out as pencil drawing.
I'll do the color in Photoshop. I am not sure what that will look like at this point.
This one was and is totally off the wall. Which sometimes turns out being cool.

### Latest WIP ###
Iri-Oriand sample 01.jpg

The idea sort of connected with some other work I have done over the years.
That series of stuff is called Esoteric Revelations. None of it is online anywhere yet as it is mostly in sketch and outline form.
Some of the sketches are involved, but still sketches. Lots of magic and esoteric imagery that doesn't really fit with what I normally do.
But it does blend quite well with a world of magic and machines.
There's a planar adventure in here somewhere. Which I may write.

All of that stuff ties back into a much larger environment that pulls much of my writing and worldbuilding together in to a larger cohesive whole, mostly.
I've got a lot going on in the background. It just keeps growing... it's totally out of hand.
More as I have more.

This also won't be the only image/map to come from Iri-Oriand.
Oh, and the weird zigzaggy line thing is a magical road from one town to another on the path to enlightenment, Za-Aka-Qa-Ui-Ot.
I'm sure I'm forgetting something.....