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Thread: July 2018 Challenge: Somewhere on Knightswall Road

  1. #31
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter aeshnidae's Avatar
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    Washington, DC


    This might be as finished as it gets, although hopefully I'll have some time to work on the shadows and the trees. I like the last version of trees better but I screwed up my layers and couldn't fix some of the problem areas so I re-did them (ugh, trees). Thanks for all the feedback, it was very helpful! For a first try at this particular style, I think it came out pretty well.

    ### Latest WIP ###
    Hillside v12 (sm).jpg
    Last edited by aeshnidae; 07-30-2018 at 08:24 PM.

  2. #32
    Guild Adept Tonquani's Avatar
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    Nov 2017
    Cumbria, UK


    This is looking fantastic now. Much improved shadows and the waterwheel is now perfect. Probably the only thing that I would still do if I was you (If you have time), is to slightly lighten the light-side of the trees. That way they won’t look quite so flat. The dodge/burn too l works really well for this, although that’s in GIMP - I have no idea whether PS has an equivalent tool.

    Anyway, I will be voting for this!

  3. #33
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter aeshnidae's Avatar
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    Washington, DC


    Quote Originally Posted by Tonquani View Post
    This is looking fantastic now. Much improved shadows and the waterwheel is now perfect. Probably the only thing that I would still do if I was you (If you have time), is to slightly lighten the light-side of the trees. That way they won’t look quite so flat. The dodge/burn too l works really well for this, although that’s in GIMP - I have no idea whether PS has an equivalent tool.

    Anyway, I will be voting for this!
    Thanks, Tonquani! Great minds think alike, because lightening up the light-facing side of the trees is exactly what I'd like to do. PS does have the dodge/burn tool. I've been trying to heed MistyBeee's advice on proper digital painting (especially #8 and #9 here) but time is short, so dodge & burn it is! I've been using a separate layer for that so I can always go back and practice proper technique.

    I'll be voting for your entry, too!

  4. #34


    Just a quick message before the threads will be locked, to tell you how much great work you did on this one ! I think you should definitely persevere on this style : it suits you well !
    (Also, did I already told you I love your compass ? ).

  5. #35
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter aeshnidae's Avatar
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    Thanks, MistyBeee! I appreciate all of the advice you gave me, which most definitely made this map a lot better than it would be otherwise! I really do like this style and think I'll practice it by re-doing my other Barony of Northcliffe maps in the same style (Hillside is part of that barony, although I haven't noted that on this map). Have you mentioned loving my compass? Hmm, I may recall some mention of that... But seriously, I'm delighted that you like it so much!

    bkh1914 - Thanks for the input about the image hose, too! PS does not have quite the same thing, but I started learning how to use the dual brush on this map and it was super helpful for both the grass and the farms.

  6. #36
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter aeshnidae's Avatar
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    Managed to squeeze in some final work on the trees before the deadline. Phew!

    ### Latest WIP ###
    Hillside v13 (sm).jpg

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