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Thread: Tarantia

  1. #31


    I've done a bit more and have a question. I don't know how to show passages or gates under the wall or buildings. I've indicated most of them by circles. Any suggestion?
    Tarantia first tests.jpg

    Any feedback about terrains (and the map in general) would really be helpful.

  2. #32
    Guild Expert Abu Lafia's Avatar
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    Feb 2015


    Hi Ilanthar, one common way that comes to my mind, is to indicate the path beneath with a dashed?/ dotted? line ( - - - - or ........ ). I have no example at hand atm, but i will have a look. Another idea would be, to indicate the passways by a different texture for the streets / paths, so that u can directly see, where the buildings (walls) are "interrupting" the ongoing streets with a gate / passway. But that'll be much more time consuming and maybe not even clearer in the result. Btw. the city looks very impressive in the current state. Great work!
    Last edited by Abu Lafia; 03-16-2015 at 12:41 PM.

  3. #33
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Meshon's Avatar
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    I was going to suggest the same thing as Abu Lafia, so I thought I'd make an example. It actually ended up taking longer than I'd hoped, mainly because every house needs a little path to its door. But maybe you can figure out a way to do this that isn't too onerous and looks better! At least you see an example at the gate towers.

    I also spotted a couple places where your background grass/dirt texture has sharp edges but it's barely noticeable. The kind of thing a blur of a pixel or two would probably fix.

    I am so impressed with this map, I really like the division of districts by colour (I think that is what is going on). Cities are hard and you're pulling it off.

  4. #34


    Looking good Ilanthar. To show the under passage I was doing it with grass and road but that's a different style.
    With the style you're using... the dotted line and maybe a slight color change right where the passage would be.
    I did a quick example Tarantia first tests.jpg
    It may or may not be the effect you want.
    Keep at it. I know it's a big job.

  5. #35


    Thanks everyone for the useful comments and examples !

    I liked you idea Meshon, but my streets are often too small for that kind of effect (nice picture by the way). Thus, I chose the dots/darkened zone and added arrows to ease the reading. I also worked a bit the river and added some "dirt" on the pavement (on the streets near the south bridge). Does those tests work?
    Tarantia test.jpg

  6. #36
    Guild Expert Abu Lafia's Avatar
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    The passages are looking really good that way. The one shown below could be a little bit more narrow, so that the color difference between the two areas comes out more clearly.
    In my view, the arrows are a little bit too much (obvious) information, but actually it doesn't diminish the overall great outlook of the map .
    Attached Images Attached Images

  7. #37


    I think it works well without distracting much. I don't mind the arrows. It draws your attention to the entryways in a more obvious way.
    I suppose it could seem like too much but I like it.
    Regarding what Abu said... I just thought that the roof in question was a covered way and not a full building. I do those. Where the roof is really just a covered connector between 2 buildings. Not sure if that's the case there or not. If not, then I would agree with Abu that it could be narrower there.

  8. #38


    What an awesome city map this is, there is so much detail, it's going to be glorious! I am really loving the flow of the streets and buildings. The passages are coming along great, love the transition color.


  9. #39


    Thanks a lot guys. In fact, this passage is an ancient door of the old city. Below is the map with the old city wall in red. So, I'll have to do it narrower!
    Tarantia first tests.jpg
    Now, I'm gonna do all the roofs, and that's gonna take me a while...

  10. #40
    Guild Novice
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    Feb 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
    Thanks Hacki! Truth be told, I'm unsure of how the wall looks like. The shape is OK for me.

    And a few more buildings...
    Attachment 71315
    if you are happy with your shape let it be I like your style and the whole map

    Oh I posted it to late but your Map is awesome!

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