We're talking about different things again xD
So the first image was my latest WIP, the one I liked best until I had a closer look at the effects comparison again. In this image I did not change the contrast at all, it's neither minimum nor maximum. Only image nr 2 and 3 were meant to show what the different effects look like. In any case, I do agree there is too much grey and I will have to find a way to change that without ending up with a way too flashy map. My perfect outcome would be a map with beautiful, bright colours but also a little faded look, just a hint of something old.
As for your example: Thanks a lot, I am very grateful for any and all comments that help me make better maps, so it is greatly appreciated. You are right in assuming that it is a bit much for my personal taste, but it's definitely the right direction!
To be completely honest I think I will have to stop working on the map for tonight, I lost my sense for judging colours correctly due to working too much on the same thing for too long...
BUT I had a last go at it, here's a comparison between the "old" version posted earlier and new, what I did just now (please ignore the boxes)