I'd like to map all or part of 'Guild City'
I'd like to watch people trying to map 'Guild City'
This is a bad idea, please don't use it!
Hmmm... maybe I would, at that. Trouble is that I asked thomrey if he would kindly draw the whole wall for me, rather than attempt to split the job between us, so I kind of owe him a favour. It depends how tall he builds that wall as to whether I start to shout 'not fair!' I can give him about 25 foot of shadow space before it gets to be a pain, so he can have a 50-60 foot wall if he wants
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No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
Last edited by Abu Lafia; 02-06-2017 at 12:51 PM.
Boy! I am so glad I don't share a border with either of you two! LOL!
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
About the shadow direction...
Depends on which way the planet spins / revolves aorund its sun. On earth sun rises in the east and sets in the west and in the winter in the northern hemisphere its low in the south. We know from the GuildWorld were in the southern hemisphere but we dont know the tilt of the planet etc. But if you have to look West to see the the sun then its afternoon if the earth spins the same way as GuildWorld. So I kind of agree with Azelor maybe its 2pm. Noone really specified which way the planet spins. All we did kind of say was that was the direction of shadow to make everyones map take unified lighting.
What's an alternate shadow?
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No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
It's like "alternative facts", but for shadows..
The sun will always rise in the east. It the planet spins the other way then 'east' will be the other way, the north will be to the left and the south to the right as you observe sunrise. The word 'east' is derived from the same root that 'aurora' (Latin) and 'auos' (Greek) are, and it means 'dawn'. If the sun rises in the west all of a sudden then the forces required for this would be so catastrophic that there'd probably be nobody left to say east, west or even WTF was that?
As for the tilt, I think we are just assuming the same axial tilt as the Earth otherwise the climatology, seasons, location of the tropics, all change. It's not a hard rule, though, it's just a guide so that there's an element of consistency.
Straf! LOL!
You've got me walking around in circles!
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying