Ok. This gets more complex by the post. It depends on what you're actually releasing. If it's just a map pack with some flavour text and scenario idea's, i.e. you're not describing each room in detail, none of that is really necessary, but if you intend on releasing it as a proper system neutral adventure (something there should be more of in my opinion) so anyone can run it using any rules system; i.e. D&D (pick a flavour), Pathfinder, OSR games, Savage Worlds, FATE, BRP/Runequest (once again pick a flavour) or whatever, what I meant above was when describing a room and the monster(s) in it you should say; "The <insert monster(s) name> in this room are half starved and weak, this should be an easy encounter for your adventurers." or something appropriate like that.
Check out the one-page dungeon compilations from Drivethru RPG, each entry is meant to be system neutral so you can get a bit of an idea of what I actually mean, you can also check out my entry Crypt of the Witch King in the finished maps section
here. Another handy reference is Goodman Games, How To Write Adventure Modules That Don't Suck which I belive is available on Drivethru as well.