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Thread: Eriond: A World Map

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  1. #1


    Hm, food for thought Yandor. On a different note, thanks to RobA for showing how to "Google" world map my world map, and to Ascension for pointing this out to me. I must say it's really fun to watch your own world spin around on Google maps!

    Eriond Googled.jpg

  2. #2
    Guild Novice
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    Wow, I didn't even know google had that option. o.o

    As for gimp, I was also talking about the animation > spinning globe Even doing a map of earth africa ends up far above the equator... the top of the map ends up disappearing. I was fooling around with one of the many version of my own map and i basically had no polar caps. =\

    As for the tutorial. I'd be interested.

  3. #3
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    I'd love to see a tut; I'm always interested in other folks' work-flow, etc. Plus, I'm kind of overwhelmed by Wilbur, and having some rough map (hah!) to follow to get started would really help.

  4. #4
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    I'll put in a 3rd for the Wilbur part. I think most of us experienced mappers understand the concepts and steps of the raster program parts. You might start out with how you set up your height map to import into Wilbur, then what things you tweak in Wilbur and why you tweak them, and what other settings produce. After that you can go over the raster steps briefly. This would be a tut not for beginners, for sure. You might be giving away the farm by showing the world how you do things so if you're concerned about keeping secrets then keep them secret. On the other hand most of the less-experienced people will get lost trying to follow it and you may end up with a million questions about tiny little things and great big things that people don't read properly. I get them all the time.
    If the radiance of a thousand suns was to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...I am become Death, the Shatterer of worlds.
    -J. Robert Oppenheimer (father of the atom bomb) alluding to The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 11, Verse 32)

    My Maps ~ My Brushes ~ My Tutorials ~ My Challenge Maps

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Ascension View Post
    On the other hand most of the less-experienced people will get lost trying to follow it and you may end up with a million questions about tiny little things and great big things that people don't read properly. I get them all the time.
    Yeah that's another thing I'm worried about: while I fully intend to remain an active member of the community while I'm in my PhD, I doubt I'll have the time to respond to the questions I'm sure to receive on a tutorial like this. But you make a good point: since this is really a tutorial geared at more experienced mappers I can just state that outright and direct new-comers to more introductory tutorials. Alright, I'm going to do it. Course I expect it could take a while to complete given all that I'm currently working on. Thanks for the feedback everyone.


  6. #6
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    Once some of us have had enough time to sink our teeth into and it replicate it a few times we'll be able to answer questions for ya in your absence. BTW, PhD in what? I got my MA in psychology.
    If the radiance of a thousand suns was to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...I am become Death, the Shatterer of worlds.
    -J. Robert Oppenheimer (father of the atom bomb) alluding to The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 11, Verse 32)

    My Maps ~ My Brushes ~ My Tutorials ~ My Challenge Maps

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Ascension View Post
    Once some of us have had enough time to sink our teeth into and it replicate it a few times we'll be able to answer questions for ya in your absence. BTW, PhD in what? I got my MA in psychology.
    That would be great. As to your question, my PhD is in Philosophy, more particularly, in Ethics. My dissertation will be exploring if a ready disposition to forgive ought to be considered a virtue. While probably most people would consider this easily answered in the affirmative, there are some important reasons for thinking perhaps the answer is no. I will try to defend the common sense notion and show how such a disposition fits in alongside other standard virtues (e.g. courage, charity, honesty etc) in enabling humans to engage in a well lived life. I have a friend who just finished her PsyD (think that's the right acronym but I could be mistaken) so I'm somewhat familiar with the field from our conversations. What area of psychology are/were you interested in?

    On another note, I've been finding it harder and harder to get time to work on the map, but I did experiment around with a title and the regional name typography. I may change things up later though.

    Attached Images Attached Images

  8. #8
    Guild Apprentice Len Wolff's Avatar
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    Wow, this looks great, I especially like the mountainranges. Typografy is really nice too.

  9. #9
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    I remember when PsyD was new and the establishment was trying to prevent it from becoming something because it was going to intrude upon their turf. Psychiatrists look down their noses at psychologists, psychologists think their is more to mental health than just handing out medications, and both were trying to prevent the PsyDs from coming in. My focus was in bereavement, death of a loved one, but in group therapy for various other things I practiced a cognitive-behavioral approach which most folks don't take to too well since it's rather in your face and challenging (most folks don't want to be challenged, they want to hide behind their excuses and keep on doing what they're doing that put them in the place that they are - work and change are hard, it's easy to do nothing and complain about it). My thesis was completely unrelated - it was on enhancing creativity. So my schooling/training was rather all over the map and not really codified into anything and since the only jobs available at the time were in child psych I got out of it and went back to art for a career. My minor was in philosophy but that's also all over the map.

    As for the labels, they might be too big but that depends on how much other info you're going to put in...but they look good so far.
    If the radiance of a thousand suns was to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...I am become Death, the Shatterer of worlds.
    -J. Robert Oppenheimer (father of the atom bomb) alluding to The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 11, Verse 32)

    My Maps ~ My Brushes ~ My Tutorials ~ My Challenge Maps

  10. #10


    @Ascension - Yes my friend mentioned that her degree was the new kid on the block within the fields of Psychology and Psychiatry. She works with inmates within the penitentiary system and she too takes a cognitive-behavioral approach, urging inmates towards personal responsibility. As to the labels, I'm thinking for this version of the map that I'm going to go light on some on the political and geographical labels. I'll probably just end up putting in the names of countries and their capitals and major geographical features. I'm planning on doing another political version of this world map (in a more "Old Map" style) that will contain allot more of this information.

    @Needamedic - Thanks man. I'm just starting the process of putting together a tutorial, but it will likely be a while in coming.

    @Diamond - Wow, really? Well you know I played around with a whole lot of different fonts and I just keep coming back to Optimus Princeps. As to color and style, I tried for something a bit more subdued so as not to distract attention away from the surrounding landscape. I was actually wondering if it was a bit too subdued, but I'm glad to here that you like it.


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