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Thread: WIP World Map

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  1. #1
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Arimel's Avatar
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    Default WIP World Map


    I am currently beginning to create a fantasy world map and thought to share the process via this thread so I can get feedback along the way.

    My plans so far for this world map include:
    -Coming up with an appropriate name that I feel fits so I can rename this thread later (if that is possible)
    -Drawing the map in regions (which will result in many smaller maps that interconnect)
    -Trying to place landforms/terrain in as close to natural positions as I can
    -Creating a 'terrain tablet', basically meaning a standardized method of drawing each of the different terrains I will include so that the entire map is drawn in a similar style.

    Current Numbers for the map:
    World Radius: 10,219 km (approximately 1.6 times larger than earth)
    World Circumference: ~64,207 km
    Scale: 1 cm = 150 km
    Number of A4 pages needed to hand-draw: a lot

    Continents: 13 (3 island continents, 2 sets of 4 interconnected continents, another set of 2 connected continents)
    Major island chains: 5 (though they may overlap at points)

    The order I plan to go about doing this is:
    1. Creating the terrain tablet
    2. Creating a miniature version of the map showing each of the continents & island chains
    3. On the mini-map create the plate tectonics, current pattern (air & water), climate patterns, major areas that I plan to have civilisations etc.
    4. Begin mapping the regions
    5. (occurs throughout) listen to your feedback

    This project will take an enormous amount of time and, as such, it will almost certainly not be one continuous work. I will almost certainly work on other maps between finishing some of the stages mentioned above.

    Also, should I have posted this in the wrong area I would appreciate it if someone moved it to the correct area.

    Last edited by Arimel; 12-07-2017 at 06:04 PM. Reason: Accidentally put miles instead, Thanks Halksguard

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