A question about the voting process. I've just read point 6, which states: 'Duplicate nominations will be removed, so read through the previous nominations before you post.'
Does that mean a map can only be voted for once in each category, even if voted for by different people? If so, doesn't that mean all nominees will all have the same number of votes? Also, if so I may already have dropped a clanger :/
Last edited by PaperGriffin; 02-05-2019 at 06:01 AM.
Thanks Warlin. Makes perfect sense now, I guess my Monday Morning muddle brain was a day late in getting here and I was just being a bit thick.
Damn, just eyeing the nomination threads is making my brain hurt. Voting is going to be TOUGH. I'd say we've had a pretty good year over here at the Guild.
I hope this isn't the wrong time or place for this, but I want to put in a new idea for the Atlas Awards. I saw earlier in this thread that there were some posts suggesting new awards categories (eg. "Best Black and White Book Map" etc.), and generally I agree with the CLs reasons to not include these. I want to suggest we have one new category next year, though, and it could be called something like 'Special Mentions' or some such. It could allow members to nominate a map or mapmaker for whatever they think deserves special recognition outside the existing categories. It could be someone who has improved in huge leaps over the year; the creation of a series of maps as part of a collection; an especially interesting/well-made Mapvember (looking at you, Voolf); maybe something that isn't *quite* a map but is worthy of mention (eg. a fantastic compass rose or border, or J.Edward's "Land of Beee"); a tutorial. And the nominations could be the same as any other category, with the exception that the nominator also has to state (very simply) why they nominate that person.
Anyway, it's just a suggestion. I'd be keen to hear people's thoughts...
Formerly TheHoarseWhisperer
I like that idea enough to give it some consideration. What would the criteria be? It has to be something concise enough so that people's eyes don't glaze over and/or they get confused reading the criteria for nomination.
Hmm... Diamond, you're right. This award is much more subjective and vague than the other Atlas Awards. Perhaps it can be something that runs at the same time as the Atlas Awards, looks like an Atlas Award, and is called an Atlas Award, but works just a little bit differently. In particular, it could be something in which all members can make nominations, but it is decided by CLs rather than a vote. That way, it's up to the CLs to decide (using whatever occult rites you guys use when you're debating these questions) whether the nomination is worthy of an award.
The point behind this idea is to reward those mapmakers who have done something different to simply making a map. For example, if this category existed already, I'd want to nominate Voolf's 2018 mapvember. I wouldn't necessarily nominate any individual maps in it (although there is plenty of awesomeness in that thread) but rather the way he went about and designed the whole project. Similarly, if a spectacularly useful tutorial is published one year, this category could be used to celebrate that fact (where Best Overall Map wouldn't suffice).
Last edited by Wingshaw; 02-07-2019 at 04:53 AM.
Formerly TheHoarseWhisperer
Well the principle was the same also for my black and white proposition , because lets be honest, 99% of the time a color map wins over a black and white one , on parity of quality and detail , and sometimes Book maps require a different management of ink , detail and there are always more maps for regions than in any other category ... so I thought that it could be a good cateogory.
Another good cat I thought could be political or informative ones, there are many good maps like those but usually get surpassed by more artistically challenging ones . Anyway , just an opinion.