View Poll Results: What is your favorite genre?/ What is your favorite level of magic?

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  • Genre: High fantasy/heroic fantasy

    3 25.00%
  • Genre: Mid fantasy

    8 66.67%
  • Genre: Low fantasy

    3 25.00%
  • Genre: Science fantasy

    4 33.33%
  • Genre: Steampunk

    1 8.33%
  • Genre: Science fiction

    2 16.67%
  • Genre: Post apocalyptic

    2 16.67%
  • Magic: High magic

    4 33.33%
  • Magic: Mid magic

    9 75.00%
  • Magic: Low magic

    4 33.33%
  • Magic: No magic

    1 8.33%
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Thread: CWBP 2 : Determining the genre and era

  1. #41
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azelor View Post
    Other suggestions:
    The guy with the weird eyed avatar (Ghostman!?) suggested that people would rather use major magical power source instead of the magnetic poles to navigate/travel. Not that there is no magnetic poles, it's just that people either don't know about it or do not use it. They use magical sources and starcharts to get around.

    modernhamlet suggested a denser atmosphere that would allow flying devices like daVinci or something. But if it's just about flying boats, magic can solve the problem too.
    I am still all for Ghostmans alternate mapping points. I was considering that due to their "magical" influence the influence of the magnetic poles could not be reliably found and so they were used to more reliably navigate. Indeed one might suppose that if you could measure the distance to these nodes as well they'd be used for triangulation and be vary reliable. Or maybe there could be roaming nodes that screw this up every once in a while.

    Ghostmans map node Idea could also be worked in with the Guilt that haunts idea. Heres what I have in my mind: There are various aspected nodes of "magical" influence through out the world, these grow stronger and weaker, and grow more and less numerous based on the level of "guilt" (whatever that may be) in the world. This is caused by the intersection of an alternate mirror world, based on the denizens moral doings. The more power these nodes have the easier it is to go from one to the other for those with the ability to do so. Also growing the power of the nodes could cause some interest in that some are obviously going to be inclined to increase their powers and some are going to try and eliminate such threats. I'm not sure if doing a good/bad aspect is going to work well, although this is an obvious implied element. Fullmetal Alchemist avoided the moral implications of a similar interaction for quite a while, but we wouldn't have the luxury of story within which to do so.

    The astrophysics also made me think that what if their was only one moon on each mirror but they were visible in both somehow. Also what is perhaps on those moons, civilizations. Omniscient beings? Semi-immortal? Space dust and rocks?...

    Personally the problem I have with the resurrection/reincarnation idea is the complexity of handling it. I'm all for either on a very limited scale, but in such a quantitative manner I'm not too sure where to go with it myself.

  2. #42


    Here's my 2 cents.

    Mid Fantasy
    Medieval + Hints of Renaissance
    Astrophysics - Don't care. So long as it's practical.
    Navigation by Starcharts/Magic Power Sources - Practical, possible, and ok by me.
    Atmosphere - Eh... personally I'd prefer to stick with "Earthly" and blame magic for any flying of objects that shouldn't otherwise fly.

    World Building - I prefer option 2.
    A pangaea world could be fun to an extent. I would prefer a pangaea in addition to a few small outlying landmasses.
    If I were to claim a piece of it, I think it would be really interesting to work with a Pangaea style landmass that had been split from a smaller piece of itself at some point by an angular impact crater which subsequently filled with water. I'll claim the southeast part of the Pangaea for that. Something like a peninsula that had been struck and separated by the primary landmass by an asteroid... maybe creating a large island and a few smaller ones and forking the land at the impact site. Perhaps this part of the world is also on its own tectonic plate, and it's got some mountain ranges on the western and northern borders, and a series of mountainous folds in the northeast that cause a locking in of moisture and wet weather patterns for that area, making the north shore swampy and giving the mountainous terrain plenty of rainfall, but the south shore doesn't benefit from this and stays fairly dry, with the west shore a comfortable middle ground. Domesday book demographics suggest six major cities. I'll say 4 coastal, 2 inland.
    Something like this... would be an interesting place to develop.

    Map Divisions - Squares are easy to work with, and practical. If needs be, someone could take more than one square to get the territory they want.
    Last edited by gspRooster; 01-26-2014 at 03:54 AM.

  3. #43


    Falconius's reasoning is fine by me in regards to the navigation system.

    Maybe we're sticking unnecessarily close to morality when we think of the word "guilt" though if we want to play with that aspect. Perhaps we should think of it in terms of criminality.

    If the idea is that the world is being haunted by its guilt, if you view that in an aspect of criminality it becomes easier to justify some of our ideas. Perhaps there are these magical fonts of power throughout the world. They are so important they are used as navigational sources, as well as the stars. But perhaps these magical sources also grow powerful off of the abundance of magical energy that flows "free form" in the world by absorbing it. So when someone dies, and their magical essence is released back into the world, it is drawn to these magical power sources. A mirror world, or an other-dimensional world that could be connected to this one BY those magical power sources, could have discovered how to cross over into this world using those magical power sources, but only if they have sufficient energy.

    For every living being that dies, the power sources are able to absorb that newly freed magical energy, and the beings in the other realm prey on that power to come over into this world and cause problems. Conflict fought within the world essentially becomes doubly self destructive, as it makes the magical power sources more powerful, allowing in more demons from the other world. And perhaps we can say that the demons, when "killed" in this world, don't actually die. They're tethered to this world through the magical power sources, so when they are weakened to the point they can no longer maintain that tether, they get sucked back into their own world. This actually weakens the magic sources because it draws energy whenever a demon is kicked back. So a collective effort to eradicate the demons would potentially work....temporarily... until people forget to stop killing each other over petty nonsense and the world goes back to the ways things were. So when the world is at peace and the population is steady or growing and there are people addressing the demon problem, the demonic influence subsides. When it is at war and death tolls are high, the demonic presence grows and makes matters worse.

    Thus, "the guilt that haunts the world" isn't necessarily morale guilt. The guilt that haunts the world is forgetfulness and failure to learn from its past mistakes.
    Last edited by gspRooster; 01-26-2014 at 04:15 AM.

  4. #44


    Just going to drop some ideas here, latch on to any or all of them as you please:

    • Elaborating on the idea of reincarnation suggested by Azelor: this could be an interesting feature if your past life affects your present life in some profound way. The simplest option might be having memories of past lives, but it could also be that the things you experienced, learned and/or accomplished in your previous life affect you physically and mentally. For example, a patient person is someone who died after a long life, while an impatient one is someone who died young. Someone who died with deep regrets or having failed to fullfill their role in life might be born "incomplete" in some way, such as blind or deaf or albino. An open-ended mechanism of reincarnation, that allows completely new people (with no past lives) to be born as well as some souls to disappear entirely from the cycle would be ideal, since it avoids the issues that would arise from growing or declining world population.
    • Some kind of karma could be a thing. Imagine if the karma one accumulates had a visible impact on their person? Perhaps you'd grow taller, or change your hair color, or cast a deeper shadow, or display a visible aura around you?
    • Order and Chaos as real but impersonal metaphysical forces. To borrow heavily from Moorcock, either force is detrimental when it's present in excess: Too much Order brings about stagnation and infertility, resulting in a dead world frozen in time. Too much Chaos brings about perpetual destruction, resulting in a world where nothing is constant or predictable. This idea could potentially have major impact on the geography of the world, as the history of shifts in the metaphysical balance might leave imprints on the lay of the land.
    • Magical Gates that permit near-instantaneous travel from one point to another. Think stargates, except they're all present on the same planet. With there being a very limited number of these gates, no way for people to construct more of them, and no way to change which gate is linked to which other gate, the expansion of and interaction between various civilizations would be affected in interesting but reasonably simple ways. Geographic obstacles and distance would still be major factors, with the gates providing a few shortcuts here and there. Consider, for example, a pair of linked gates that connect a subartic region with a tropical region. How would a civilization situated in the proximity (on both sides) of this gateway evolve? What about a gateway between a desertly landlocked region and an archipelago of little islands in the middle of a vast ocean?
    Last edited by Ghostman; 01-26-2014 at 07:36 AM.

  5. #45
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    I think that the guilt things is complicated the way you see it (or maybe I just find it too odd) I see it more like karma, bad deeds generates : problems/demon/monster/negative energy...
    Reincarnation: I was more thinking of it as a religious aspect like in Buddhism. It would not have a real impact on the world. It is more a belief than a fact (the way I see it).

    That would be a good start for a small continent or part of a larger one
    Pangea was just a suggestion someone made a while back. I think if we go with this either if will be a fragmented bunch of close continents or a massive continent that include lots of inland seas or sort of. My best pick would be a mix of big and smaller contient. I prefer more variety.

    Ghostman: I like the Order and Chaos idea because it's less related to good vs bad.

  6. #46
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azelor View Post
    Ghostman: I like the Order and Chaos idea because it's less related to good vs bad.
    I appreciate it it for that reason too, but is Order vs Chaos really that much better? It is also very well worn, and perhaps not as rewarding as something as simple and natural as good vs bad. I'd prefer we find some other sort of diametric concept, or avoid a diametric opposition altogether. Though I'm not sure what would occur in its place.

    (I'm also pretty sure I'm looking for a word other than "diametric", but it works for now.)

  7. #47
    Guild Journeyer rgcalsaverini's Avatar
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    I'm sorry if that's already established and I'm just being counterproductive here, but I think that a low magic setting could be really interesting and allow deeper, better written scenarios where magic isn't just an easy way out and creative shortcut. I find fascinating the scenarios where the very existence of magic is questioned.

    I like ghostman's suggestion, and the Guilt that Haunts idea is a promising concept, but I think that this dualism could impose severe limitations and produce poorer stories.

    I think that we should make decisions collectively, but unless we are able to really organize things (with clear due dates and legislative-chamber-like procedure), it isn't practical to apply this to the every single detail. I think that we should be objective and vote on the most important features, otherwise we will spend way too much time on the details and never actually get to mapping.
    Last edited by rgcalsaverini; 01-26-2014 at 01:17 PM.

  8. #48
    Guild Journeyer rgcalsaverini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Falconius View Post
    or avoid a diametric opposition altogether.
    I agree, extreme manichaeism could easily lead to poor stories and cliches.

  9. #49


    I will second calsaverini's post in regards to putting a procedure together so that we can actually move things forward, vote on the important things and let the minor details sort themselves out through individual mapper's own creativity.

  10. #50
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
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    As in the Any need for writers? thread I think we should develop some more templates, such as regarding countries, rulers, civilizations, cultures, languages etc. make some threads for posting them and then at least we have the cards so to speak to start making decisions. Or make threads regarding all the topics we want to cover in our general fashion, in which we collect these idea tickets and then work to assemble the pieces into something more substantial.... I don't know, just throwing out ideas here really.

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