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Thread: How far a horse travels in one day

  1. #41


    I'm going to stick this thread. It's too much of a gem to lose over time.

  2. #42
    Publisher Mark Oliva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ravells View Post
    I'm going to stick this thread. It's too much of a gem to lose over time.
    It is hard to ride away from it. And then, one still wonders how long it will take to do it!
    Mark Oliva
    The Vintyri (TM) Project

  3. #43
    Guild Apprentice Facebook Connected kortleggur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azelor View Post
    Wikipedia states it could be 30 km/h in the best possible conditions. He can maintain that speed as long as he remains in the trade-winds. Apparently the record is 41 km/h but only for a short moment. Otherwise it depends on the winds. Apparently, the average speed of the Trade-winds is about 25-30 kmph. Navigation in the Doldrums and the Horses latitudes is usually very slow since the winds are weak.

    Anyone knows the speed of the Westerlies and the Polar Easterlies ?
    here is a link for trade winds

    Its average speed is about 5 to 6 metres per second (11 to 13 miles per hour)
    but can increase to speeds of 13 metres per second (30 miles per hour) or more.

    Also this map is a gem on where the trade winds and currents combined are useful for shipping

    and for the horse latitudes these are fine.

    It is also a worthy note for any game design that we also have seasons that change the layout of the routs. and several anomalies like el-nino, So if this was a game mechanism then I would roll 1d6 every year and on 6 there is el-nino, also if 1 is rolled then roll again but some variant effect are double.

    have fun...

    Here is also a good resource on sailing with a rout table where we can see what direction the wind is at what months.

    from that page, for interest of our travel time theme is this passage:

    The Monsoons
    From an Arab perspective there are three basic monsoon winds. First of all, from April to June, the Kaws wind blows southwest. Later the Dammani SW monsoon blows from August to the middle of October. At this time, the monsoon changes direction, and the Azyab monsoon blows in a NE direction.

    Most ships crossing the Indian Ocean planned to leave the east coast of Arabia during the second half of November and the first half of December. Ships leaving the Red Sea would start out the middle of October, so that they could catch the Ayab monsoon across the Indian Ocean, directly to the Malabar cost, reaching Kulam Mali during December. If they were moving on to China they would have to wait for the cyclones of the Azyab to die down in the Bay of Bengal before journeying on in January, crossing from Mulam Mali round the south of India to Kalah Bar in the Malay Peninsula. Arab ships usually did not venture farther than this, as Chinese junks brought their trade goods to the Malay Peninsula, and may to the island of Ceylon. (Sri Lanka) Once the Kaws winds started to blow, the Arab sailors would start for home, laden with their goods.

    The chart below illustrates some of the sailing seasons that existed between India, Arabia and Africa. As local conditions such as land breezes would vary along the Arabian coast, the seasons were more complicated for the specific ports shown in the chart. Nevertheless the chart provides a broad outline.
    From the table you will notice that the south-west monsoon strikes earlier further south, and lasts longer. As it moves northwards its duration shortens. Hence the Malabar coast of India is a dangerous place to be as early as May and remains so through September. This means that the sailing season in Malabar, India was only seven to eight months long. This affected the Indian vessels more than the Arab ones, for while the Indians must be all the way home before May, Arab vessels must only be clear of the Malabari waters before then. This allowed the Arabs more time to travel since they had a much longer sailing season when traveling from Arabia to India and back. This would help explain why the Arabs, who came from a land without abundant timber, dominated Indian Ocean trade routes for long periods.

  4. #44
    Publisher Mark Oliva's Avatar
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    Ágætur! Although in Óðinn's time, I think they left the u out.
    Mark Oliva
    The Vintyri (TM) Project

  5. #45
    Guild Journeyer Guild Supporter mbartelsm's Avatar
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    Well, I just found this:

    It's an interactive map that shows precisely how much time it took to travel on roman times. it includes a bunch of different ways to travel (on foot, on horse, a marching army, on boats, with a cart, etc.), it also includes prices and alternative routes depending on whether you want to travel fast or cheap.

    TL;DR: It's a roman empire travel planner.

  6. #46
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    Thank you, Fifty, for gathering together the distance per day! Soooo helpful for a book I'm writing (and a map I hope I can make).

  7. #47


    This is an awesome resource. Thanks for doing all the research!

    I put all the data together on to one handy sheet if anyone is interested. It's compiled into a couple of tables and a couple notes, but it has the bulk of the info from here.

    Feel free to grab it!

  8. #48


    And here's that doc in pdf format, just in case the Internet eats the original at a later date.

    Thanks, AA!
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  9. #49
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    Great reference sheet! Thank you, Atrum Angelus.

  10. #50


    Thanks for this. This thread is gold for my purposes. Cheers!

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