So, I'm going to do a team with Romeinoneday for this challenge, and he sent me this commission :

My commission to you is:
A city on a coast. But it's much longer than it is deep. The city is bordered by a cliff face and building up the cliff is impossible. So instead the citizens build along the coast of the strange island they inhabit. It doesn't have to be a large city, just a general idea.
I've decided to use my new skills with sketchup to have an idea of the cliff and probably for the shadows too. The rest, I'll work it out with my usual software. I immediately thought of the Etreta site (in France) and took inspiration of it for the cliff.
So, here's my version of the cliff, and the beginning of the city layout.
Seyazade 1.png
###Latest WIP###
Seyazade 2.png

I don't know if I'll go for an iso view or not for this one...