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Thread: 30 - The Water Merchants [Redrobes]

  1. #41
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    I need to put a crane into the area next to the crevasse. Looking around I found some interesting roman and ancient designs but I think this one seems to fit the bill.

    So ill try to make one of these in 3D and then it should show the shadows etc.

  2. #42


    Well I guess its ok for you to use a few of my orphans to run in the treadmill, but I want them well fed and properly paid, mind - and only half hour turns at most

    I've been looking for a suitable ballista design, but there are so very many to choose from I'm just going to draw my own.

  3. #43
    Guild Expert Straf's Avatar
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    Pulley systems and cranes and that were commonly known as derricks at one time. Nowadays it's mainly oil pumps that are still called derricks.

    That the word is also a name is not coincidental. In the 16th century a certain 'wrong'un' named Thomas Derrick, who'd been convicted of various crimes including rape, was pardoned by the Earl of Essex, a certain Robert Devereux on condition that he'd become executioner. The role of executioner was not a popular occupation, the families and friends of those executed sometimes retaliated against the executioners. However this particular Mr Derrick accepted the role, probably with too much enthusiasm which should have been a warning in itself. Over his career it's estimated he executed 3000 people. An executive executor if ever there was one. He wasn't that happy with the rope over a beam method though, so he came up with a much more efficient system involving pulleys and levers. That particular configuration became known as a derrick from then on.

    What will you call your crane and why?

    EDIT: Oh I forgot to mention, Thomas Derrick became the executioner of the man who pardoned him but the Earl of Essex being a noble was given the privilege of being executed by beheading. It's not known whether Derrick built a device for that.
    Last edited by Straf; 01-31-2017 at 06:11 PM.

  4. #44
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Well I guess its ok for you to use a few of my orphans to run in the treadmill, but I want them well fed and properly paid, mind - and only half hour turns at most
    Hah yes I think the several highest water merchants - whome I really neeed to name at some point - would have no qualms about having some cheap labour to run the crane under the supervision of one of his lackeys.

    Quote Originally Posted by Straf View Post
    Pulley systems and cranes and that were commonly known as derricks at one time... What will you call your crane and why?
    Thats an interesting story there. I didn't know about that one. Some of the big seige engines and some particularly famous capital punishment items have been named. I am guessing that this will be a particularly, if not the, biggest crane in the city or in fact for a large distance around. I think these names get generated from the people rather than from the owners. So I think it best if other people name it.

    I have some pictures now that I have made it in 3D and got an icon image for you all as well - should you want to have a top down crane icon... I have put it into my sector but I think ill need a new post for it because of the tag.
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  5. #45
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Not much change but the crane is positioned next to the crevasse.

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  6. #46


    Hey it looks really good. You're going to need about ten boys in that drum to operate it though.

  7. #47
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Hey it looks really good. You're going to need about ten boys in that drum to operate it though.
    Yes I want the fat heavy ones and keep them fit. They seem to be loosing their puff after only 10 hours of work !!!! Yes... if I could get ten of those in the drum at once I could raise twice as much water per hour.

    I thought I would tidy up the join between my section and neighbour. I updated the overall map and got everyones WIPs up to date and forgot to do my own so maybe next time this one will get included.

    Oh and I should add that when the other section is pasted up to mine those lines will join up better. But it looks poor without it.

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    Last edited by Redrobes; 02-03-2017 at 04:22 PM.

  8. #48


    Well at least no one can say we aren't doing our bit to try and reduce the danger of diabetes in later life... (if they live that long!)

    You really must give them more to eat though, Red. The last lot came back and ate an entire week's worth of food in one sitting!

    WIP's looking good I like the way you can see these little dots that you just know are horses and carts and barrels and things, which of course will be clearly identifiable in the link from the zoomy map to the Finished Maps thread ?

  9. #49
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Hah, I gave them some gruel with as much water as they wanted ! They will be wanting more than one meal a day soon.

    I am not sure about seeing all the detail on the zoom map. It will be more and even if I link to my finished map it has some limits. But since my background texture is only targetted for a moderate sized image I cant realistically go in indefinitely. Incidentally, I took your closeup of the streaker and added it to my map but when you added the text then it went over the streaker so it hid some of it. You can see him (?) on the zoomy map alright tho.

    Well heres some incidental images. I dunno why I put these things in but I know they are there. Just a bit of fun really.

    I should do wheres wally in my map...
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    Last edited by Redrobes; 02-03-2017 at 06:18 PM.

  10. #50


    Well you're going to have to move him and re-hide him now you've shown us where he is! Honestly! LOL!

    Would you like me to move my streaker just a bit? I hadn't realised I'd covered her up!

    EDIT: nice texturing around the water's edge there, by the way

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