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  1. #1


    No no, don't give up, I love what you have going here! You could easily add clarity by writing "1. Bider House", "2. Mengin House" etc. And then just simply add the numbers beside the appropriate building like on any top-down city map. Easy and effective, not much more work


  2. #2
    Banned User
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    Quote Originally Posted by tainotim View Post
    No no, don't give up, I love what you have going here! You could easily add clarity by writing "1. Bider House", "2. Mengin House" etc. And then just simply add the numbers beside the appropriate building like on any top-down city map. Easy and effective, not much more work

    I second this, I'm still trying to find the Mengin House

    But once you number them, there doesn't seem to be much reason to show them individually either, so I'm not sure what would work best.

    In any case, I love the front view at the bottom, much much better

  3. #3


    Thanks for the input tainotim and chick.
    I agree with what you both have said.

    It is a fait accompli. I already altered it on the premise of the frontpage/backpage style.
    It'll be ok. It's a bit more work but the result will be good I think.
    The backpage will give me more uncluttered room to add more info which I wouldn't have had on the front.
    I know it makes for an unconventional map. It's kind of more like a picture and a map but I'm okay with that.

    The real problem, I think, was that I didn't have a solid plan for this one when I started. Or rather, I had a plan but I didn't stick to it.
    I think that has made this one seem wrong for a while. I have another map/perspec piece in the works [sketch] that hopefully will address this better without going to the frontpage/backpage thing again.

    I'll post something of Sagemound later when it's a bit further along.

  4. #4
    Guild Expert snodsy's Avatar
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    Absolutely love this one, I think its one of your best. It was great to see how you solved the problems that were discussed. Thanks for sharing your process it's really inspiring.

  5. #5


    Stunning work and excellent idea for the layout! Whatever option you choose, it's already a beautiful map.

  6. #6


    Thanks snodsy. It's still evolving and changing.
    I did a big complicated border, then scrapped the whole thing and started redoing it.
    Scrapped that one too and am now on a third version. I may show those.
    Hoping to complete this by the end of the weekend.

    Thank you Ilanthar.

    Hopefully the end product will live up to these compliments.
    May have an update later today.

  7. #7
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Looking forward to your next update.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  8. #8
    Community Leader Korash's Avatar
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    Nicework J.E., I really like the look of the iso view...with one exception... and not sure if things have progressed too far for it...And that is that the iso view gives NO sense that the town sits on top of some cliffs. When I look at the plan view the cliffs, and how the town layout is influenced by them, are some of the most interesting features of the town. And I don't get that from the iso view. Looking at the relation of the two views, I can see that there are spaces where part of the cliffs can be shown (the top of the front cliffs and some of the side cliffs) without changing the scale of it at all.

    With your last update, I noticed that you are starting to bring some separation between the two views, which IMO is a good idea, but I think you need to do a bit more of a fade between the two. The roads from the plan view are still too vivid when the reach the iso...

    Looking forward to where you bring the borders .
    Art Critic = Someone with the Eye of an Artist, Words of a Bard, and the Talent of a Rock.

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  9. #9


    Thanks ChickPea and Korash.
    Korash - I can see what you're saying but, yes, it is far past that point now.
    I will take that advice for future works.
    All the feedback has been helpful even if it did not find it's way into this piece.
    I always appreciate the feedback. And I do think about it when doing new works.

    I am fairly happy with how this one has turned out. It was a bit of an annoying struggle.
    I am basically done with the one exception of finishing a few trees and maybe adding a few more trees.
    So here is where I am at now. Frontpage and backpage...
    Sagemound [front] by sirinkman.jpg Sagemound [back] by sirinkman.jpg

    edit - Here's the finished frontpage.
    I decided not to add more trees. Too much time and work there.
    And Haerlech calls to me...
    Sagemound [front] by sirinkman.jpg
    Last edited by J.Edward; 06-14-2015 at 03:47 PM.

  10. #10
    Guild Expert Abu Lafia's Avatar
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    Wonderful work, J.! I think the choice of front- and backpage is very good, seeing the lot of lovely information on all the buildings (btw.: there are some typos in it, you shuold have a look at...). The border roots/branches are just spectacular.

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