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Thread: [WIP] Castle Ravenloft 2D Battle Maps REDUX!

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  1. #1
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
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    The down stairs are very clearly going down, as they always have been and the up stairs are distinct enough from them to look like they could be going up. I would still suggest shading the down stairs to give them depth going down to the shown level.

  2. #2
    Guild Journeyer wthrasherb's Avatar
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    Thanks for the feedback folks! I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and comment.

    @Jacktannery, it is visually "impossible", but I'm close enough for my tastes. Nothing about this map is perfect though, nor am I going to try to make it "perfect".

    @Savage Orc, the hard line at the very top step going down will be masked out in one of my "clean ups". When I make maps like this piece by piece, I usually wait until I have a few new things done and then go back and "polish up" the details. There are a few touch ups I need to make overall. As for the stair shadow, I'm not sure if you are talking about the shadow "Fade" at the "end" of the stairs or the individual step shadows between each step... either way, I'm not going to change much about them now. I'm satisfied with them for the most part and I've spent too much time on stairs already, so I need to move on. I still really appreciate the feedback.

    @Falconius, thanks for the kind words. The down stairs ARE shaded and I'm not going to shade any further. I had them shaded more in the beginning and they were too dark. What I've got will have to do

    Again, thank you all for taking the time to comment. Keep them coming!

    I'm trying to crank out some good work over the rest of this weekend. I'd like to finish this main floor map completely, but at my current rate of work that doesn't seem like a realistic goal by bed time Sunday... we'll see...

    Stay tuned!

  3. #3
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
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    Yes my apologies, I meant the "up" stairs, the "down" stairs are great. In other words the "Up" stairs should be shaded deeper as they descend to the main level otherwise they may all look like they are on the same plane but tilted like a turbine.

  4. #4
    Guild Journeyer wthrasherb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Falconius View Post
    Yes my apologies, I meant the "up" stairs, the "down" stairs are great. In other words the "Up" stairs should be shaded deeper as they descend to the main level otherwise they may all look like they are on the same plane but tilted like a turbine.
    ah.... I will look into this... thanks!

  5. #5
    Guild Journeyer wthrasherb's Avatar
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    Wip Stairs Update

    Ok folks, still slowly plugging along on the stairs of Map 3. Now that I have a method down it is going A LITTLE faster, but not much.

    This is just a quick progress post. I've cleaned up all the stairs and adjusted some shadows and such. I've been TRYING to come up with a "mosaic" pattern for the floor in room K20 (with the curved stairs and square stairs going down), but so far nothing looks right. The adventure text just states "a mosaic floor adds a touch of color...". It doesn't specify what KIND of mosaic or what colors or anything, so I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any good ideas. For now I'm going to leave that detail to the descriptive text.


  6. #6
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    Since that is the room that leads up to the 'Throne' room on level 2 I would recommend some kind of heraldic raven.

    Something like this...

  7. #7
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
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    Wow looks great all together. Also looks like a very dangerous place to get lost in.

    For the mosaic something Gothically nostalgic? Or it could just be a pattern too...

  8. #8
    Guild Journeyer wthrasherb's Avatar
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    Wip Need suggestions please

    @ Falconius, Thanks for the kind words.

    @Hervis, I'm not talking about THAT room with the 2 statues and two straight stair cases, but I have been trying to find a good raven image to use in a similar fashion to what you are talking about... Here's the room I'm talking about:


    The mosaic I have added here is not necessarily what I'm going with. I needed to post an example of what I'm dealing with in hopes of getting some feedback. As you can see the shape of the room is weird to begin with. Then you have those two sets of stairs mucking up anything that might make a decent mosaic picture/pattern on the floor. That being said, I want to go with some kind of generic pattern. Again, the descriptive text is vague and only indicates that there is a colorful mosaic pattern on the floor here.

    The other issue I'm having is the shape of the room and where the mosaic floor starts. I originally did not have it extend into the hallway, but it looked strange. I'm still not sure it looks right. And those stairs right in the middle of the floor... I mean, there's just no way to make them not look weird sitting in the middle of anything I've tried so far, so I'm all ears on this one...

    I'm not going to spend TOO much time on this one. It is a detail that can be left to the descriptive text if need be. I don't want to ruin the look of the entire map just to try to poorly represent something visually when the players' imaginations should do the trick

    I'm looking for thoughts on how to do a good mosaic pattern in this room (pictured above). I'm not looking for a critique of the pattern I have displayed right now. It is just for representation purposes for now. Thanks in advance!

  9. #9
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    I should have remembered that. I tried about 5 different things before I just left the floor like the rest of the castle. If you did want to do something you should try this (I use GIMP not PS so you may need to convert)

    Make a threshold (wide line of some sort) between the hallway and the room. This will make the transition less weird.

    Fill the area with plasm (Filter -> render -> clouds -> plasma)
    Colorize to whatever hue you like
    Filter -> Distort -> Mosaic. Set the tile shape and size that you like.

    This will generate a random mosaic pattern instead of a pattern that will be distracting.

    Here is a sample of one that I tried for my version. I shrank my room a little bit so it looks a little different, but you will get the idea


  10. #10
    Guild Journeyer wthrasherb's Avatar
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    @Hervis, I tried something like that previously. I still don't like it... I think I'm just going to leave it alone and people will just have to use their imagination Thanks for the input!

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