Here is a seamless 'voronoi fill' created by RobA which mimics the style of the old 2e AD&D Ruins of Undermountain boxed set maps. You can see it used in this thread
That first texture site referenced (David Gurrea) is one of my all-time favorites. Fantastic stuff in there! Especially useful for any 3d perspective in indoor mapping (lots of walls, etc.).
Here is a seamless 'voronoi fill' created by RobA which mimics the style of the old 2e AD&D Ruins of Undermountain boxed set maps. You can see it used in this thread
Here's an interesting tidbit from Simon Rogers of Profantasy about this I found while browsing old posts to the CC2 Users Group mailing list (bold emphasis mine):
--- In, "Simon Rogers" simonwork@...> wrote:
I think you mean very high (VH) - 100 pixels per foot. HI is the resolution used by Dunjinni, and in most cases it is absolutely fine. VH is overkill - it's to allow people to zoom right into maps, just as they can with vector symbols and to create very high resolution large prints.
If you had a 100x80 dungeon, and you printed it out on one piece of paper, VH would give you 1000dpi, which is generally higher color resolution than most printers can cope with, or at least at the upper end. High resolution would give you 400dpi on such a map. It's when you print at minature scaleit starts to make a difference. At 1"=5', DD3 would give you 500dpi with VH, and 200dpi with HI - still pretty respectable.
For City Designer, we'll be using 40 pixels per foot, and you generally don't want to print super close ups of building symbols.
So, in my opinion, adding the VH symbols is a luxury, one we are happy to provide, but not essential.
Simon Rogers
Livejournal -
JUST ADD HEROES An ICONS Superpowered Roleplaying Game Blog by Joe "jaerdaph" Bardales
Skyryder, at the MapTool forums posted the following and I had to repost it here:
A great source of Free Textures is at Mayang's Textures:
An awesome "free" plug-in for PhotoShop can be found at RedField plugins. It's called Seamless Workshop:
:Edit: These useful plan views of trees taken from This Thread.
Definitely, I have had a few friends and the odd family member do a hot air balloon flight. I tell them with fervent pleading to take some photos straight down. They take off from a field and pass over the odd tree maybe but you quickly gain enough height that the photos merge to a green cloth. Also the shots must be vertical straight down. You cant fix up angled pics. Ill post what I have, some are workable but less so that you might initially think. These are my best I have and I dont think they are good enough as they lack detail. I reckon the RC plane or the kite would be best with the right kind of altitude.
Edit: The last one is a bit surreal. If nothing else it gives great reference material for anyone wanting to draw trees from above ! These were taken April 2007 and whilst very grateful to the family member for trying with these I cant make a single tree icon out of them. As a texture it might work. Might have to push number two through the seamless tex creator script over in the tut section.
Edit 2: Added seamless tile of image 2
Last edited by ravells; 02-08-2008 at 06:12 AM.
I don't know how I missed this thread for so long! Anyway, here's a few textures that are (almost!) seamless. It was my first show at it which explains the slight edges on the shadows. Anyway, here they are:
... and a water texture:
Those trees are AWESOME@!@!@!@!@@!
The tree images were taken from rpgmapshare and then used to build up the tilable texture. I can't take credit for the tree images themselves.
Here is a seamless tiling grass fill texture. To use it, put it on a layer on top of a flat fill with the colour of your choice and then set the grass layer blend mode to hard light. You will (depending on your underlayer colour) get something that looks like the second image.
This texture topic is really great! If you make these textures yourself, it would be great if you add a little mini tutorial on how you've made it like Arcana did. I learn alot from it.![]()