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Thread: Ostwyc, the Lion City

  1. #41
    Guild Journeyer Guild Sponsor Arkidemis's Avatar
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    I will be "patiently" waiting for the trees to be planted. The city has turned out great.

  2. #42


    This is uber-beautiful. Congrats!

    IMHO, there's only one thing that looks a little odd. If you look at the northern part of the valley, it looks like the valley itself is a water divisory. The topographic gradient flows both to the north (upper part) and to the south (lower part). I'm not sure the drainage network is entirely consistent. Other than that, I'm looking forward to the end product!

  3. #43


    Nice work!

  4. #44
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Caenwyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arkidemis View Post
    I will be "patiently" waiting for the trees to be planted. The city has turned out great.
    Thanks Arkidemis! There's a crazy amount of trees already, just look for the smal green blobs all over the map... but tons more still need to be added

    Quote Originally Posted by QED42 View Post
    Looking forward to see how you tree bomb this map, trees are such fiddly sods to get right!
    Oh yes they are!

    Quote Originally Posted by auck View Post
    IMHO, there's only one thing that looks a little odd. If you look at the northern part of the valley, it looks like the valley itself is a water divisory. The topographic gradient flows both to the north (upper part) and to the south (lower part). I'm not sure the drainage network is entirely consistent. Other than that, I'm looking forward to the end product!
    No, you're absolutely right. It's an inconvenient consequence of working with Wilbur with my very, very limited capabilities. I noticed that from the very beginning, but I'm gonna blot that abomination out by putting other stuff over it

    Quote Originally Posted by MidcenturyMr View Post
    Nice work!
    Cheers amigo!


    Alright, update! Finally got started on the Old City, the district beyond the northern walls. I've partly redone the floor of that part of the valley so the most horrible kinks Auck pointed out will get fixed.

    There's gonna be a gorge filled with greenery, and dense housing on both flanks. Houses are generally smaller in this part of the city, and roads are narrower. I'm also gonna draw in an old (mostly ruined?) fort on the western tip of the wall. There's already a hairpin road going up to that point. No trees yet, and no streams, but I'm sure you can see where they're gonna be when I get to them.


    Still a long way to go though: I still gotta
    • draw in that maybe-ruined fort (which means returning to the terrain file and going crazy on it)
    • fill in the rest of the valley
    • draw in the city districts outside of the walls (I talked about them in this post)
    • work out some defensive system for the hanging valleys on either side (talked about here)
    • plonk in a bunch of bronze roofs (they seem to have disappeared from the current version!)
    • finish the massive fort in the southern wall
    • add some shading finishing touches
    • add a frame border to the map
    • start labeling the place
    • add a legend
    • add a title
    • add a scale
    • and maybe some ornamental bits (although the map is quite busy already, so I might drop that idea)
    Caenwyr Cartography

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  5. #45
    Guild Expert DanielHasenbos's Avatar
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    This is just so spectacularly amazing! It's like watching a progress bar of a download that just slowly progressing, and with every percent you're getting more excited about the final thing. You've still got a lot to do, but it's already looking great!

  6. #46
    Guild Adept Tonquani's Avatar
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    Hi Caenwyr, this is looking fabulous! I cannot conceive of the amount of time that is going into it! A real labour of love .

    Just one small thing... the largish temple type structure to the East of the lake (the one on top of a mountain with three paths leading up to it) looks a bit... ...odd. Maybe a bit more pixelated than everything else, and also the shadows (if there are any) are way too light. It just looks like it is floating a bit compared to the surrounding hillside. I will add my usual caveat here, that I have been known to see errors where none exist, as I apparently have quite bad eyesight...

    Anyway, it's a superb effort, can't wait to see it finished!!!

  7. #47
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Caenwyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanielHasenbos View Post
    This is just so spectacularly amazing! It's like watching a progress bar of a download that just slowly progressing, and with every percent you're getting more excited about the final thing. You've still got a lot to do, but it's already looking great!
    Thanks Dan! It's progressing slowly, since I'm trying to be waaaay to detailed (I'm prone to redrawing single street blocks several times until they are "probable" enough, as if anyone would ever look at the map with that amount of eye for detail... except for this wonderful guy below apparently . I guess it's people really poring over the map that I'm doing it for then !
    Also, this is a personal project (the main reason why I can afford to be so overzealous), but I'm currently negotiating a paid job again, so this map might at some point fall to the wayside until I manage to finish that paid job. AND we're currently overhauling um... well basically the entire house at the same time, AND my dear wife is wonderfully pregnant (with some awesome but time-consuming nursery-related chores as a result), so I'm pretty tight when it comes to time.

    The things you do for (a labour of) love, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tonquani View Post
    Just one small thing... the largish temple type structure to the East of the lake (the one on top of a mountain with three paths leading up to it) looks a bit... ...odd. Maybe a bit more pixelated than everything else, and also the shadows (if there are any) are way too light. It just looks like it is floating a bit compared to the surrounding hillside. I will add my usual caveat here, that I have been known to see errors where none exist, as I apparently have quite bad eyesight...
    Oh no no no, you're absolutely right! the shadows on that plateau are still a bit wonky... as they are in dozens of other places on the map. I'm gonna try and get them fixed wherever I can find them at the very end of this stage (just before labeling, that is). Thanks for pointing them out Tonquani, that helps me in identifying the more glaring ones from the ones only my freakishly overzealous eye for near-invisible detail manages to find. So thanks, and keep 'em coming!


    Oh, and here's an update!

    Added a bunch more houses to Old Town, and added some light snow cover to the tops of the mountains. Not entirely satisfied with the washed-out look on the light side of the mountains though -- probably gonna fix that in a future update -- though I do like the fact that the peaks look a little lighter now. It helps the eye in identifying them as "high" for this wonderful psychological reason I keep forgetting .
    Last edited by Caenwyr; 05-31-2018 at 02:37 AM.
    Caenwyr Cartography

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  8. #48
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Caenwyr's Avatar
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    Woah okay, so this update is long overdue!

    Sorry for the delay people. I spent the last seven weeks working on a commission (I'll publish the final product as soon as I have permission from the client), so this one kinda fell by the wayside. The second map in the commission will get started soon, but I thought I'd give this one a bit of love in the meantime. What else would I do but map, right?

    I decided I'd get restarted prudently, so instead of beginning the outside-the-walls parts of the city, I added some trees. Well, a bunch of trees.

    Well ack-chew-ally... I think the correct word for this is a crapton. Yes, a total crapton of trees.

    Caenwyr Cartography

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  9. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by Caenwyr View Post
    Woah okay, so this update is long overdue!
    Damn straight it's about damn time! I was getting the shakes from having gone cold turkey on this thread without an update for so long!

    Great to see the progress coming again.

  10. #50
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Caenwyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QED42 View Post
    Damn straight it's about damn time! I was getting the shakes from having gone cold turkey on this thread without an update for so long!

    Great to see the progress coming again.
    Hahaha thanks QED! Sorry I caused you to go into withdrawal there! I hope you didn't suffer too much, but just to be sure, I'm back with your next fix already.

    As you can see, I coloured in the southern portion of the map, drew in the first village in the SW corner, and drew in the roads for the second village. There's also gonna be a fairground near it. You can already see the huge ("yooge") pavilion, but there's also gonna be an ad hoc village of covered wagons, canvas market stalls, a playground for kids, an animal pen with "exotic" animals (think camels and zebras rather than lions), a bonfire, ... All that surrounded by a palisade wall and an impressive entrance gate (entirely made out of painted cloth and pioneered spars).

    That second village is also gonna boast several inns for latecomers arriving after the closing of the city gates, a river port (where all incoming goods need to be unloaded, checked and taxed before being brought into the city on mule carts) and last but not least, a pretty seedy section complete with whorehouses for people with more "peculiar" kinks and the (obviously unofficial) headquarters of the Assassin's Guild.

    Caenwyr Cartography

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