Heh! I knew there were more of us on here. Thanks!
Wow, this trekkie is beyond impressed.
Heh! I knew there were more of us on here. Thanks!
A break from deck plan drawing...beginnings of a campaign map. Lots of work to do on it but this is the basic layout. I wanted to get Sol in there (even though we'll be mostly in the far spinward side of this map for most of the game) so the players have some landmarks and know just how far they are from the heart of the Federation. This is in Illustrator (which I don't know very well) after some disappointing results in PS. I'm hardly an expert starmap maker at this point!
Edit: The grid is 20 ly. I'm using the star charts from Star Trek Star Charts by Geoffrey Mandel (Pocket Books) as a reference...but won't be putting anything like that level of detail in there. This is supposed to emulate an LCARS map so will be simple and show mostly just information relevant to the mission. I'll be adding subspace anomalies through out the Bajor sector and neighboring regions...as that's the (nominal) focus of the game.
Last edited by mearrin69; 10-06-2011 at 02:13 AM.
Like I said, decks 4 and 5 are going slowly. They're pretty massive and there are lots of doodads. Here's deck 5 with the structural integrity field generator bays, the upper level of the main deflector bay, deuterium tankage and the deuterium injection portion of engineering, the main replicator bay, and the shuttle parking bay (these last two bits have already been posted I think). This is the 'walkable' portion of deck 5...the rest (foreward of what you see here) is a whole bunch of stuff: phaser banks, sensor suites, additional batteries, the underside of the Waverider shuttle, and (apparently) another subspace transceiver. Lots of stuff to draw before I can call it done!
Here's the rest of deck 5, minus the tactical/lateral sensor arrays - which will fill all of that open black space (and makes my skin crawl to think about attempting...see small pic from the SD deckplans). There's a lot of cleanup that needs to happen with the equipment coloration. I used the wand to grab and color areas but, since the lines were anti-aliased, there's a lot of chunking that happened. I'll go in with the eraser and paintbrush to smooth it out as a final stage. I'll probably also vary the color a bit more at that point...looking a bit drab.
Deck 4's a madhouse, plain and simple. I've got a lot of the gadget outlining done but it's still missing the forward torpedo bays, scientific sensors, p/s RCS thrusters, and the nacelle innards and PTCs running up into them. I expect all of this to take quite some time. Also, the cabins all need heads and the ones along the hull need better furniture.
Deck 4 is getting there. Now down to the pylons/nacelles and cleanup.
Just about finished. Last post of this deck. Cleanup is done, just working on that pylon now...it's a bit complex. Have to go back to the deckplans and fix a couple of things.
totally cool... whole project is cool. Must play Star Trek now... lol... to bad only one of the boys in the rpg group is a trekkie, the others would probably prefer to play Star Wars.
regs tilt
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Same here...only two of my group are interested (or *qualify*, in my opinion).
Deck three completed *except* for that little room in the upper middle. Don't know what to make it. Was thinking about a little suite of offices and private conference rooms. Kind of fits the administrative nature of that area. Any thoughts?