This looks so good! I really like the buildings down the cliff face.
This looks so good! I really like the buildings down the cliff face.
Meshon's Cobblestone Streets tutorial
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Your renderings reminded me of Ronda, in Spain, Falconius... here's a picture:
Alright, so this building with that green roof there is Soesclo and Sons Stables (name needs refining). It doesn't look like much but, that thing took me as much time as it would to do two or three normal buildings. And even after all that I still forgot to turn on smooth shading for the curved surfaces....
Also here you can see the lamposts. I left them all lit since one can't really see the light in the day light anyways. I'm not sure why, but I keep hesitating to put chimney's on the buildings. Also all my colours are too washed out I may be trying too hard to push them into a certain colour range rather than just letting 'em be. I definitely think I want to go with the full red on the kiln made bricks and tiled roofs. And in the meantime I've made all the natural stone way too red....
GC CameraPic6.png
Wow! You really are ultra critical of yourself! LOL!
This is brilliant
I only agree with you on one point - that the stone may be a little bit on the pink side?
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
I was just about to say there's too much noise in this photograph, but then I clued in that it probably has to do with the texture in you're 3D render... Good job it's very realistic. I actually like the colours, to me it seems like the brick on the building could have came from the land it's sitting on, and I think the curved roof looking like it was placed on in pieces adds to the realism.
Way too pink, really it should be yellowish white with grey staining. But I couldn't get the Grand Canyon out of me head.There is too much noise, for the final image I'm going to need to tackle it but for progress shots it ain't worth it as much of what needs to be done involves making render times longer.
About the brick, well, I was trying to make it look like they were related so I'm glad it looks like they are , but it just isn't working for me. I'll have to figure out a final palette at the end, even though when it comes to colour I don't got much sense. The only problem is I keep adding more textures, I think I already got like 20 or something, which is silly, but a common palette should tie it all together I hope.
Okey Dokey:
### Latest WIP ###
GC CameraPic7.png
(HDRI lighting from HDRI Haven)
Been spending an enormous amount of time working on the factory and it ain't even finished, but I was enjoying it so I got carried away. So not much else done.
A shot down the valley:
GC CameraPic8.png
That's the factory down by the river there. The walkway is going to end at the tower of the local district wizard on that outcrop of rock.
I've been trying to fix the terrain details, obviously with no success. I also notice the lampposts being lit is noticeable when the light point can be seen.
Registration pic for Redrobes:
Align for GC CameraPic7.png
Oh my word! If this gets any better I'm going to start thinking this city really exists somewhere
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
Oh my word is right! Amazing stuff Falconius. I love the way this is coming along and I'm a bit envious that I don't know how to do that.
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Wonderful !!!!
It looks so real !
And all the work you've done for the structure of the cliff... amazing !