Beautiful Clercon! Getting forests to work with mountains is one of the hardest tricks to pull of, imo.
I haven't seen Happimess post for awhile, I hope he comes back and sees us soon.
Thanks for a great tutorial. It really helped me a lot. I'm posting a small picture of mountains from my Etrakien map that I'm working on. Keep the tutorials coming :-)
You can see the full map on the following link
Beautiful Clercon! Getting forests to work with mountains is one of the hardest tricks to pull of, imo.
I haven't seen Happimess post for awhile, I hope he comes back and sees us soon.
Just browsing tutorials and I love this. I'd definately like to see the artist do more that explore this map style further. I think I like it so much because it looks a lot like the mountains I draw when I do hand drawn maps, only a little more polished. I'll definately be adding this tutorial to my list to practice.
Finally got around to watching the video. It's a nice and easy way to get a mountain range, thanks for sharing the technique! Guess I'd have to give it a go soon =)
Also, Clercon, those are some nice mountains, well done![]()
Hello, all!
It's been a while. I've been chasing tight deadlines (both writing and cartographical) and tending to family stuff, but I'm back.
First I'd like to say that it's great to see the simple mountains be used by others, and being adapted into new techniques. Some people have come up with some fantastic results, and that can only be a good thing. If anyone has any more questions about drawing mountains like this, or anything related, feel free to post on. I intend to visit the site far more frequently now, so you will get an answer.
And I note I appear to have an award thingie for this thread as well. Nice! I'm not sure who I should be thanking, but to whomever it should be: thanks.
It's us thanking you... for a great tutorial...
Glad you found it useful. I really should take a look at doing some more, huh?
What would everyone find most useful? I'm keen to stick to simple techniques, at least for the moment. I was going to do an extension to the current tutorial covering hills, but as the technique is largely the same, perhaps I'd be better tackling something else.
Anyone have any ideas?
I'd be interested in battlemaps... the current hot topic is Battlemaps for VTT's ... as well as regional maps and encounter maps for 4e campaigns that are getting underway
I say .... show us the battlemaps!!... but I guess we can wait to hear what EVERYONE ELSE wants before we decide.... <kicks dirt>.....
With me just starting to use Maptool (as opposed to reading the forums and just goofing with the software without a game to play it in), I second this idea. More detailed battlemaps would be a great addition.
I specifically would like to see some medium towns made specifically for VTT's. The few VTT maps of towns I have seen usually top out around 10-15 buildings or so and what I would like to see is several nice maps in the 50-200 building range while still with a decent file size for transport over the internet. And most of the very nice town maps are made at a size that zooming in causes bad pixelization. Of course, overland maps are great also as are dungeons.
My Finished Maps
Works in Progress(or abandoned tests)
My Tutorials:
Explanation of Layer Masks in GIMP
How to create ISO Mountains in GIMP/PS using the Smudge tool
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.