That map is looking really good. Is there a reason for the vast colour differences in the roofs?
Good progress. And one that also worked on a city, I know your pain. This stuff takes time. Hehe. Anyway, good job and keep it up.
~ Maps-DriveThruRPG ~Free Maps and Assets ~Current Project~
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~The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
~ Psalm 19
That map is looking really good. Is there a reason for the vast colour differences in the roofs?
Thanks! yes actually: brown are for low wealth population (wooden top) red for medium wealth (clay-pottery) blue and purple for the magic and nobles population, made mostly by elves (still clay but with pigments) also I will make some golden roofs
With the speed of a sloth with severed arms, I'm proceeding toward the finish of this map (not at all, because I decided to make a mirror map just for labeling places, so another couple years.. )
HUGE update
Bud, this is simply incredible. The level of detail, and thought for the composure of the city is very impressive.
This is amazing and will go straight to my inspiration document! I like how the different districts are depicted (at least in part) by the different colors of rooves. Beyond that there are far too many things I like to start naming them one by one! (I love the little wakes behind the boats). The border will need to be really grand though to not let the rest of the map down! No pressure there!