SK: were you part of this KS in an y way? the way youre referring to it it seems as though you are.
Only 10 minutes left and it had raised more than 10.000$ over the last 3 Days of the campaign. This is far beyond my hopes for the Project, and I am happy to see so many people interested in Mapmaking.
@vorropohaiah - the 4th stretch goal was for the creation of Maps and Legends: a Guide to Fantasy Cartography by Josephe Vandel (which is SK's name or pen name), so indeed he was a part of this Kickstarter project. Also, in case you didn't look up thread, I've recruited RobA, Anna Meyer, and Waldronate to write sections, chapters and/or appendices to several of the guides. And since the project funding exceeded the last stretch goal by nearly $7000, I plan to commission a few more CG member authors if I can - they will be paid of course. I also plan to place a nice donation to the CG, once I figure out all my costs and fund requirements (just a little while).
It's amazing, the funding beat my original goal by nearly $20,000.
Final results:
Original Goal: $3750, All Stretch Goals: $16,500, Pledged: $23,289.10, Backers: 456, Funded: 621%.
Thank you, everyone who pledged or even just helped spread the word - you guys are awesome!
Last edited by Gamerprinter; 09-01-2013 at 02:56 PM.
Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
DrivethruRPG store
Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations
Art Critic = Someone with the Eye of an Artist, Words of a Bard, and the Talent of a Rock.
Please take my critiques as someone who Wishes he had the Talent
Yes, of course! The intent of the Kickstarter is not to provide "preorders" of products which are being provided, but as seed capital to getting the books into the book distribution system to be sold in bookstores worldwide. I have arrangements with US, UK and AU printing houses. The hope is the project leads to volume sales in the book market for potentially a much more profitable venture. That's the ultimate goal anyway. I've had a plan since the beginning, tweaked along the way - I didn't do this whimsically.
So yes, you will be able to purchase these when finally released.
Last edited by Gamerprinter; 09-01-2013 at 06:21 PM.
Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
DrivethruRPG store
Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations
Congratulations on such a successful campaign! And good luck getting them into the wider market; I hope I see the books on the shelves at my local B+N (assuming they're still in business in a few months)!
Bryan Ray, visual effects artist
Congratulations & big props on the success of your project.
Just wanted to let you know if you have any need for extra hands on deck or any assistance needed let me know. I know I may not be the most experienced or skilled on cartographer here at the CG. But if there's anything within my skill set that you can use let me know.
Hoping the projects progress well and is released on schedule.
Cheers, Julien
Battlemaps, Town Maps, Tutorials.
All my maps and content are posted and published under this Creative Commons License.Click Here for information on licensing.
Well, I will eventually needed testers to use the tutorials in various graphics applications and discover if I missed anything and get it corrected before publication. I already have an army of editors and proof-readers volunteering, but I can always use more testers using Photoshop, GIMP, Illustrator, Inkscape, etc.
Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
DrivethruRPG store
Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations
What a great campaign. Grats again on the success.
“When it’s over and you look in the mirror, did you do the best that you were capable of? If so, the score does not matter. But if you find that you did your best you were capable of, you will find it to your liking.” -John Wooden
* Rivengard * My Finished Maps * My Challenge Maps * My deviantArt