I made a couple new tiles you can try. They are each seamless and also seamless with each other. If you need them bigger or need more tiles just let me know.
Nice use of positive and negative spaces!
I made a couple new tiles you can try. They are each seamless and also seamless with each other. If you need them bigger or need more tiles just let me know.
Lord: yeah the water has been a thorn in my side this entire challenge
Aera Lure: you got that right
Meleeguy: Thanks, I wanted to create multiple levels with the shapes provided
Dragonwolf: Thanks for the tiles! I had already started working on the water though soo...
what is left?
1. Adding more visual interest to the dock areas
2. Adding more visual interest to the open water areas
3. Win?
4. Yes, Win
5. Goody, because I would like to win
6. Do a night version?
Something witty and pithy
I think your map is looking very cool. The dead spider is fantastic. Is it a tavern of some kind? Very "Savage Worlds" and pulp looking. Completely cool in my view. I know you are using quite a saturated palette and that its deliberate and suits the style, but may be try a little less red/orange for the floor planks. I think this would accentuate the buildings and features more if the wood were toned down to a more "natural" colour.
The internet! It\'ll never catch on.
Software Used: Terranoise, Wilbur, Terragen, The Gimp, Inkscape, Mojoworld
Torq: you were money on the too yellow/orange on the planks
What is left?
1. Adding more visual interest to the dock areas
2. Adding more visual interest to the open water areas
3. Win?
4. Yes, Win
5. Goody, because I would like to win
6. Do a night version?
at this rate I will be lucky to get finished with what I am thinking of doing in time.
### Latest WIP ###
Something witty and pithy
You need something on your buildings where the two(or more )roof textures meet. I would chunk down some type of line (black/grey, perhaps even very slightly varying widths for gaps between boards) to indicate where one board ends and another one starts. Your round building has this effect(mostly), and I think this looks much better.
Not really digging the whiteness of most of the roofs...Looks a bit to glowy, and contrasts to much with the plank color IMO.
Good job on the planks making them darker and more worn. I think the scratches are two regular. It looks like you used the dodge tool, but perhaps to much or the wrong setting.
The round building... is that two separate rooflines, the inner one higher than the other? If so, give it a bit of outer glow to make it seem like it's on a different level and distinct from the lower part. Ditto the square building below it....
The trees have a dark outline around them that is distracting for such nice looking trees. Perhaps if it was blurred outward from the treeline, it would be a lot less distracting to the eye when zoomed in.
Also most of the buildings have a what I would think is a too think border around the edges. Perhaps making the outline a bit smaller and adding an outter glow would help.
Over all, very nice map. I am pretty sure this is one I will vote for, but there are a few things I think you can do to make this even better.
BTW, are these planks all meant to be wider than most grown men? Heh.. must be some massive trees and some really good saws!
My Finished Maps
Works in Progress(or abandoned tests)
My Tutorials:
Explanation of Layer Masks in GIMP
How to create ISO Mountains in GIMP/PS using the Smudge tool
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
jfrazierjr: There is sooth in what you say... I shall ponder solutions to some of these
Something witty and pithy
My Finished Maps
Works in Progress(or abandoned tests)
My Tutorials:
Explanation of Layer Masks in GIMP
How to create ISO Mountains in GIMP/PS using the Smudge tool
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
because I seem to be updating this just about daily...
I addressed the overly wide planking, and have roughed out where the outdoor seating will be for the Dead Spider bar.
What is left?
1. Adding more visual interest to the dock areas
2. Adding more visual interest to the open water areas
3. Win?
4. Yes, Win
5. Goody, because I would like to win
6. Do a night version?
### Latest WIP ###
Something witty and pithy
Aside from those chairs and tables looking painted on, this is looking really good!
“It is not down in any map; true places never are.” (Herman Melville)
“A good map is both a useful tool and a magic carpet to far away places." (unknown)