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Thread: Fresco of Ausonia

  1. #41


    Yes on the size - but remember that's only my opinion, and has been frequently proven in the past I don't always have the right opinion

    As for the blending I'm not quite sure what to suggest. If the shading had been on a separate layer to the colour I was going to suggest putting the tree layer under the shading layer.

    I have an idea floating through my mind, though. I don't know anything about PS brushes at all, but is it possible to make it so that you can pick a colour and use your tree brush to paint the trees in any colour you like? If you can do that, then you can paint darker, bluer, trees in the shadows, and lighter warmer coloured trees in the bright light.

  2. #42
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    Yes I might try that ... as for blending , shouldn't be a problem to use some blending options on layers.

  3. #43
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    How about something like that?


    I only changed the upper style.

  4. #44


    That seems to be about the right size to me - just large enough to be recognisable as trees, but not so large that they dwarf other parts of the landscape

    However, you might want to wait for a few more opinions before you go ahead and paint thousands of them onto the map.

  5. #45
    Guild Member Facebook Connected Ottehcnor's Avatar
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    I really like the work you have on this map. The fresco style is amazing.

    The trees look the right size to me, but on the mountains they seem to float above the land a little bit, I'm not sure why or how to fix it beyond what's already been said. IT's also possible that I've just been primed to see that by earlier replies in this thread.

    Overall, I'm really impressed. I wish I had the time and talent to make a map like this!

  6. #46
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Sizing of the trees seems about right, but yeah, they seem to float above the landscape. Maybe try putting down a slightly darker color (than the underlying ground) underneath the trees to help 'ground' them?

    Oh, and both mountains types work well together to my eye and are AMAAAAAAAAAZING. If you keep at it and finish the map in the crazy amount of detail you already have, you'll have another Atlas Award, not to mention a work of art that will be whispered of in awe in the Guild for decades...

  7. #47
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Thankyou guys, my difficulties right now is that I notice different pass of "detail" like when I proceed to other areas some older ones look either less detailed or more detailed, , its like I am not keeping the same stadard.
    If I go too detail I fear it will loose the "fresco" style that I want to achieve but also if I detail in more it looks cooler on other ways.
    As for the trees I tried also a third system but I am thinking that perhaps the best way is to use a less "distinct" tree shape when massed and a single tree shape more recognizeable out of the mass so could be more understandeable what kind of forest is . The only roblem with the size is that if I zoom in the shapes arekind of blurry, while if seen from more distance give a better effect.
    For tree types I was thinking of conipherous, temperate, Jungle ( that that might be present in that climatic zone anyway ) and mediterranean like populus and pines... will see what comes out.

    Also the final composition is quite complex for what I have in mind and goes way beyond a mere map ^^ ... Will see if I will be able to make it :p ... Somehow an unique way to present it .
    I felt it was about time for me to try something less cgi and more artistic .

    Thanks again for all comments.

  8. #48
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    happy easter everyone btw ..

    for reference if anyone is interested I will briefly describe what Ausonia is.

    The peninsula if Ausonia is part of the western region of Thersis in the Aerde continent... as many other names I took inspiration from ancient names from Indoeuropean world and its stemmed languages. in particular Ausonia is one if the ancient names of Italy (from the ancient tribe of the Ausons ... perhaps derived from the Auson mythical founder ... in english strangely sounds as Son of Au ... ).

    the peninsula was the birth place if the Aequilum Empire from the Aequi ancient tribe that unified the land and their City Aequilon.
    the period I am representing is a post Imperial Renaissence time with some scattered independent powers.

    Apart from the main peninsula for wich I have still to decide politics... on the map there there are also other geographical places like the Island kingdom of Zargo, the Principate of Corelia and the Southern Reign of Arles in Careia and some other featured lands... the angle ones though I will civer with painted figures of Myth ... like pagan Gods or mythological creatures.
    the surrounding frame will be in a classicistic style with greco roman motiphs and figurines in order to fit well into the painting composition I have in mind ...
    Last edited by Naima; 04-01-2018 at 02:56 AM.

  9. #49


    Interesting and impressive work on this, Naima!

  10. #50

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