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Thread: The Köppen–Geiger climate classification made simpler (I hope so)

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  1. #1
    Guild Member Michi il Disperso's Avatar
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    Well, to me is far better! Obviously the output of the script need always a bit of managing, but i think this is a more realistic option.
    I wonder why there is still a desert bit in the triangular rain area in the north of the center continent... i see rain there, it shuldn't be desert... however... good job ^^

  2. #2
    Guild Apprentice
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    Maybe it's because the rain is fairly light?

  3. #3
    Guild Member Michi il Disperso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CTA View Post
    Maybe it's because the rain is fairly light?
    Yes, i believe that the calculus that the script do count that rain really light

  4. #4
    Guild Apprentice
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    Alright, finalized my climate map! Here it is:

    I smoothed out a few climate zones, added steppes, and corrected things that didn't really make sense (example: the antarctica-like continent at the top was mostly ET, not EF). Some climate zones might still be misplaced (based on their descriptions), but I'm choosing to believe that the script worked and everything is more or less fine.

  5. #5


    The precipitation scale I used with Azélor's color profile increases by factors of 2 with each step up the color chart, so the darkest purple and colorless are both still pretty dry and there's the additional factor that the precipitation threshold to not be arid gets higher the warmer it is (as a result of higher evaporation rates) so such a relatively-equatorial region needs more rain to avoid being arid than somewhere colder would. It seems very frequent (including on Earth) for As/Aw climates (like the lighter tropical blues) to directly border steppe climates. By the numbers then that little northern bit of desert ringed by steppe is probably correct.

    I'm not sure what's up with the ET vs. EF in the northern continent. Assuming you're using the default temperature profile did it have any of color (230, 245, 150)? That's the only category between 0 and 10 degrees C by default which makes it something of the deciding factor between ET and EF.
    Last edited by AzureWings; 08-03-2020 at 06:55 PM.

  6. #6
    Guild Member Michi il Disperso's Avatar
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    Thanks for the explanation!

  7. #7


    I need a little help with the script. I managed to install python and pillow, but i cannot find the option to run scripts in Photoshop.
    Also, is the climates.atn the script?
    I am an absoulte n00b when it comes to programming and scripting beyond excel basic.

    A step by step guide for dummies would be much appreciated.

    *facepalm* I think i got it.

    I got it now. C&C welcome:


    Personally I think the coast ist too wet and I might have expanded the super dry zone too much. I have to chack with the currents again.

    Precipitatio maps January & July

    Temperature maps January & July

    Last edited by Coyil; 08-05-2020 at 09:53 AM.

  8. #8
    Guild Member Michi il Disperso's Avatar
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    Glad you managed to get it work! I had some difficulties myself!
    Maybe you could try to expand the intermediate rain zone a bit and reduce the heavy rain zone; and yes, i think too the super dry is just a bit too big.
    Anyway, good work!

  9. #9


    Hey everyone! Having a bit of trouble determining where to place my high and low pressure centers!
    Also, any help on if my currents are correct would be wonderful.

    The vague white lines are my lattitude markers, and represent 60N at the top, 30N beneath it, 0 beneath it, and 30S at the bottom.

    Thanks in advance!

    Link to map:

    Viranna Ocean Currents.jpg

  10. #10
    Guild Member Michi il Disperso's Avatar
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    Hi Osellic! It could be useful to have the full world map; are the other parts just ocean? Also the poles? If the top of the image is 90N, remember that that line is a point in reality, so you'll have to stretch the ice covering all the upper side.
    The currents seems fine to me, i would have skipped the current in the inner sea, i think it's just too narrow to have a significant current; and the first part of the downward current in the west coast should be a cold current (cold respect the surrounding ocean); Also, the upward hot current in the east coast should gently deviate eastward past 30N rather than turn abruptly, but that's a minor.

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