By Skaald
Hi Ilanthar ! Could you give my some advice ? I want to learn how to draw mountains like the ones you did page 41-42 of this thread (I don't know how to link images directly).
The styles I'm talking about are the sketchy one on the Serkonos map, and the one almost "satelite viewed" on the map shared just after.
A tutorial would be superarchicalifragilistiexpialidocious ! But just some explanations about what lines drawing first, how to shade properly to give a feeling of steepness could hemp me !
I just seen all the work you did on this sketchbook and it's truly marvellous ! And inspirationnal without beeing "too much" to stand, because it's visible how you improve your work from the beggining of this thread, and we novices can project our own improvement to come !
EDIT : I tried a bit to understand what's going on in those styles. I may have found the way to do it (or at least the path leading this way). But GOSH this is so hard. I don't draw usually, exept form map, and only since a few month.
I try to percieve the 3rd dimension while drawing, to put the shadows in the right place but DARN it's like trying to catch an eel on a ice rink with mittens covered in oil and soap. It sometimes click and most of the time don't.