the dnd game table hasn't even made me think twice about using maptool... its "snazzy" 3d graphics, which are really only the objects, not even the tiles, only make map building more difficult for the DM, having to find (and in WoTC's case, BUY...) more 3d objects, monsters and tokens for use in the game. "Creating" your character is going to be little more then dressup, changing colours, adding some base equipment you can toggle... nothing special, and no way to truely customize.
maptool is an amazing tool, with amazing features... and its free. Trevor (the main dev) gets it... DM's need a tool that can help them share their vision of a campaign to the players, without limiting them, or bogging them down with visuals that will cause more problems then solutions. Maptool is moving into the a new version as well in the near future, and is going to begin some very big changes, to solve some of the initial issues overlooked by the original game design... he's also always looking at his 3d options... but i've talked to him extensively, and in all honesty... a true 3d system (not this flat tile, 3d token crap WoTC's has) adds to much detail to make it worthwhile for a GM... and 3d tokens limits GM's and PC's alike from using any picture or any image they can find (or draw) as their own character... i don't know bout anyone else... but i'm not willing to pay for a game which has less features, with its only benefit to be some 3d tokens i have to pay extra for.
that and i can't stand the dnd system.