I thought I knew a bit of PS, but now I see I know nothing.
Amazing tutorial, it helped me a lot. Tons of knowledge, thank you!
I'll try to post my study as soon as I finish it.
I thought I knew a bit of PS, but now I see I know nothing.
Amazing tutorial, it helped me a lot. Tons of knowledge, thank you!
I'll try to post my study as soon as I finish it.
I tried to follow the tutorial, but I'm not using any plugins, so I did some kind of "jiggle" using Filter > Distort > Glass. I'm still playing with it, and I could get some nice results.
I still did not understand all this tutorial, but it's my first try. I'll do better in the next.
Thank you again for this amazing technic.
This is the image with no uniter.
And this one with uniter. Uniters are cool!
Hi Jelmore, see my post on the thread you started following the tutorial.
That map reminds me of the fable 3 map...
Thanks a ton, ravells.
I'm not much of an artist, never have been. I've been an avid D&Der(and later DM) since I was in the 4th grade, going a way back. I've always loved maps and the visuals they provided, and quite honestly they were some of my favorite parts of the novels I've taken the time to read. Now that I've come a long way into my first novel I have considered making more than a rough sketch of a map to help visualize my own world. Not to be published in the book, if I ever make it that far, but just for me. I won't be able to get much work on a map done for a while, but when I do I'll make sure to post it for you guys to see.
Hey again. I know they're not much, but here is my first computer generated map ever. I uploaded it with and without the uniter, just for completion's sake. I tried out a bunch, but I think this is the one that I liked best.
overworld more current.jpg
overworld more current both 25.jpg
I am a total beginner. What suggestions do you have for getting started?
How would you recommend someone gets started? I am interested in creating a map of the coast of Maine and overlaying a "story" of someone's adventures along the coast.
nice one. I will try it!
Glad you are having fun with it! Keep experimenting!