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Thread: Ukiyo-e Map Objects - take two!

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    Wip Ukiyo-e Map Objects - take two!

    This should please, Ravs, if no one else. Something I started almost a year ago and never completed, but now I'm going at it again, starting from scratch.

    In an effort to create a series of map objects that can be used for Japanese style RPG game maps - Sengoku, Legend of the Five Rings, Oriental Adventures and the several other Japanese historical/mythical based systems. I am emulating the wood-print block or Ukiyo-e style of landscape art, especially from the Ukiyo-e masters: Hokusai and Hiroshige.

    My plan is to create 20 or so mountains, then hills, then trees, bridges, town symbols, boats/ships, Shiro castles, pagoda temples, temples at Nara, Masoleums like the Tokugawa temple, ports and piers, merchant/craft structures and occupation settings - and basically whatever else I can find or think up. I will create a map using these objects at the end of the series.

    The first two objects are a color filled and non-color filled mountain objects - the same one. I actually viewed a winter landscape scene with a mountain similiar to this - which is why I chose to offer a non-color filled version. Also one could color fill to their needs with that one also.

    Ukiyo-e styled mountains 1 and 2, enjoy!

    (These are transparent PNG files about 540 pixels wide at 100 ppi)


    PS: if you think I should make them larger, I can do that.

    PPS: and Ravs, I know, about damn time!
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

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