I like the Entengrütze, but maybe a bit less of it, with some open water areas. ( but that is just my opinion, depends how swampy you want it to look )
I like the Entengrütze, but maybe a bit less of it, with some open water areas. ( but that is just my opinion, depends how swampy you want it to look )
My Battlemaps Gallery http://www.cartographersguild.com/al...p?albumid=3407
I love the buffalo cows!![]()
This is a great WIP thread, your map has developed from a concept into awesome. Well done! It's always good to see something a little bit different in a map.
Meshon's Cobblestone Streets tutorial
DeviantArt page: https://meshon.deviantart.com/
Follow me on Twitter! @meshonlive https://twitter.com/meshonlive
I know this is been stated but your water buffaloes are awesome, they're really fun to look at especially the ones you have swimming.
So, the "five-to-twelve-lite-challenge-fever" has got me, and it seems i'm not the only one in the contest who had a long weekend XD . Here is my final WIP update:
@Bogie: Thanks fot the hint. I reduced some of the Grütze and i'm indeed more happy with it now.
@chickpea & Belgath: Thanks alot, it was fun modifying and arranging them but as stated, i only did minor changes to already very nice objects made by others.
@Meshon: Thank you, much appreciated!
- I added three scenario ideas for the GMs but had to rearrange the overall layout (again) because of it.
- On the village-map i added some heaps of reed and spread some more baskets, mats and stuff. I also tweaked the colouring here and there.
I learned so much during the process. I had a lot of doubts (and still have some) whether the project isn't a bit too big for my limited skills.
A thousand thanks for all the helpful critique and the motivating comments by so many fellow cartographers!
A special thanks again to chick for the help with the text!
Well i'm not sure when exactly the challenge closes, but it's a good (and oh so rare) feeling to submit something before time!
### LATEST WIP ###
Some notes on my resources:
Besides the magnificent cows from Darkness, falcon and Raven_Starhawke over at the Dundjinni Forum and the relief on the "Uruk Trough" that i traced and modified
i found some great textures for the reed-mats and carpets on Mayang's Free Texture Library. I forgot where i have the water and parchment (edit: found it!) textures from, but it was one of the sites listed in Redrobes' texture Web Sites thread.
For the drawing i used some of the brushes and brushdynamics from Vasco Basqué's fantastic brushset. The Font is "Wizzta" from Adien Gunarta
Edit: last but not least, the triumvirate of my old toaster, the clunky mouse and ofc the incredible gimp!
Abu Lafia
Last edited by Abu Lafia; 04-13-2015 at 04:08 PM. Reason: forgot some resources...
Absolutely wonderful! A big part of the reason behind these challenges is the time frame. Training you to do a job, under pressure, and get it done on time. Bravo!
My Battlemaps Gallery http://www.cartographersguild.com/al...p?albumid=3407
This is quality work. Fantastic!