Ok, so here are two rough wind maps for January and July. I have also changed the position of the central-southern continent somewhat so it gets more summer-dry on the west coast (hopefully). I don't think it will impact tectonics too much, it just means that it has separated more recently from the main continent to the north (or has been moving slower).
Yellow areas indicate possible rain shadow effects.
A few quick questions (numbers on maps):
1) Will the Polar Easterlies have any affect, or is this very southern part basically just dominated by westerlies?
2) Probably gets some onshore winds and maybe summer storms like China?
3) (July Map) - Would all of this bunch of 'island continents' be within a high pressure zone (they are surrounded by continental shelf) and all get more or less summer dry, or will the eastern-most 'island' be better?
And of course if anything else looks wrong, please point it out. Thanks!
Jan Winds.pngJuly Winds.png