Controversy raged through Guild City yesterday as the developers of Cross Parc laid down a layer of base vegetation. It was said to be such an offensive tone of green that even blind people vomited. A spokesperson from the Perception Alteration Research Centre, from which the district derives its name, commented:
"We would just like everyone to know that those responsible for this horrendous carbuncle have been sacked. The people who hired them have also been sacked. The sacks are fully biodegradable and should compost within a year. The layer itself has been destroyed and the Research Council are now looking to recruit a new board of scapegoats onto the vegetation committee to hire more developers."
World leaders were quick to condemn the layer, stating that it lowered the general tone of not only the city, but that of the whole world and perhaps beyond it too.
One of the developers who was sacked spoke to our reporter and said "Some bigger boys made us do it."
Meanwhile work continues to remove the Trouble that has haunted the old mill in the district.