Looks good. And Orca'traz had me laughing![]()
Great work on all the hand drawn elements Savage Orc. Personally I'm not to big of a fan of laying down that flat brown color for bordering countries though. It's sort of distracting. Perhaps a lighter shade would work better.
Looks good. And Orca'traz had me laughing![]()
Love your drawing a whole lot, one of my favorites. The black on the shield starts to get a little lost, not sure of the brown background for the other lands, as others have stated, maybe a little closer to your land color might work better?. The Guld World Map.com type too big?. Chor'tah right in the center, bold maybe a little too heavy? Do you need it, if the whole country is Chor'Tah as your shield notes? Redo the scale to fit with your other text.
Thanks for your comments, snodsy. I will try to make some changes, I already changed the color of the surrounding lands but have not posted it yet. I put Chor'Tah on the map itself for the composite map where the shield, etc...will be cut off. But if you don't think it is needed I can get rid of it.
Hopefully I will have some time tomorrow so I can work on it.
### Latest WIP ###
Map 09 - Chor'Tah Savage Lands v2.jpg
Made a few changes as suggested. Altered the map scale to match the map better (can't believe I forgot that). Got rid of the country name from the middle of the map. reduced the size of the Guild Map/.com text at the bottom left. And changed the color of the surrounding countries (was only a duplicate layer set to multiply masked to only darken the other countries so was an easy fix to lighten it). Hope it looks better.
Any other comments, suggestions, critiques welcome.![]()
Yeah, I like all the changes! The outline on the fist looks great. Now I can see that awesome drawing![]()
Great map, nicely put together.
My Battlemaps Gallery http://www.cartographersguild.com/al...p?albumid=3407