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Thread: maps in progress

  1. #51


    OK maybe this should be moved to a new thread

    here is an updated surface map

    i am wondering if i should keep the ocean map as is or change it to mach the style in which this map is developing or maybe i should work on developing the map style to match the ocean
    paolon2 (Large).png
    Last edited by mathuwm; 04-19-2008 at 02:20 PM.

  2. #52


    Thought you might like to see what some of the rooms are at the Dwarf hold

    this is very much a work in progress

    1. The stream
    A little ways down a narrow game trail the body of young man lays face down in the bed of a small stream. .The Man appears to have been washed down the stream in a sudden and violent flood.

    2. Orc Raiding Party

    Before any further investigation can be done a group of about 20 orcs approaches the site. The Orcs are walking against the flow on either side of the stream.

    3. The Gorge
    Following the path of the flood upstream leads to a place where the stream cut a narrow gorge through a rock Shelf. It is obvious that the flood originated from within the gorge. As evidenced by the damage to the dense scrub and moss that blankets the rocky floor of the deep and steeply walled gorge. The thick moss continues up the sides of the gorge and the stream meanders around the bottom.
    a. Bugbear cave
    6 Bugbears (Monster manual)

    4. The dam (entrance to the dwarf community of grey hall)

    The gorge appears to end at a damp shallow grotto. Most peculiarly however is the large door flung wide open and hanging off it hinges stranger yet is the stream issuing from the mouth of the door.
    Water is flowing from a 10’ wide 15’ tall open door at the left side of the grotto. The sound of falling water can be heard coming from beyond the door

    The wall was originally constructed so that it appeared to be a natural end to the canyon. The thick wall actually consists of 2 curved walls (the inner wall is 5 feet shorter than the outer wall) with a 20’ wide passage between the 2 outer walls.
    There is a once secret door on the outer wall toward the north side of the canyon (now wide open with a stream pouring through it) and a firmly closed stone door on the inner wall near the south side of the canyon. A lever to open the inner door is located on top of the inner wall on the south end.
    Only a few rotted posts remain of a once large wood platform and roof that had formerly spanned the 2 walls.

    Underneath the wall is a concealed channel that at one point allowed the stream to flow freely under the wall it was designed to look like a natural underground stream coming issuing from inside the grotto.
    After many years without any dwarves to maintain it the channel became clogged with debris and the inner wall dammed up causing part of the gorge to the north of the newly formed dam to fill with water. Eventually the water spilled over the inner wall and filled the channel between the 2 walls.
    Then inevitably Water began to flow over the outer wall creating a waterfall at what appeared to be the end of the canyon.

    By standing in the running water characters can peer into the doorway.
    Looking through the opening you notice that 20’ beyond the doorway there is another wall with a thin sheet of water running down it and onto the paved ground. The water is flowing over a floor slippery with silt and algae and continues on out through the doorway and finally back to the stream bed as it was intended. Visible across the threshold there is another door on the inner wall on the opposite side of the canyon. There does not seem to be any apparent way to open the door.

    Legend lore or talking to the resurrected Sam can reveal the following INFO
    • The secret door was opened in the outer wall by Sam Nestor an 4 level Rouge4 level Ranger (whose body was found earlier in the stream) causing the water to flood out of the space between the walls and sent the hapless Sam washing down the canyon too his untimely demise.

    • Years earlier Sam “found” a map that led him to the doorway.

    At the end of the canyon opposite from the door there is a laden pack mule grazing on a patch of grass by the stream

    The mule is Sam's. Ida (the mule) is quiet and docile and loves sugar cubes

    Climbing the wall can be accomplished buy using a grappling hook or constructing a ladder from readily available saplings. Both walls are very slick with algae.

    The top of the inner wall is about 9’ wide and level. The top of the outer wall over hangs the base by a good 10’.so the top of the wall is on average about 20’ wide. The surfaces on top of each wall are covered in algae and the inner wall has 1-2 inches deep water running over the top of it
    A lever can be seen sticking up out of the water on top of the inner wall at its southern end.

    Pulling the lever will open the stone door in the inner wall this will effectively drain the gorge. Draining will take from 10 to 20 minutes
    Any individual standing in-between the walls or by the outer door will be swept away by the massive amount of water coming out of the doors.

    5. Gorge
    a. Hungry fish or dead fish
    If the gorge is still flooded:
    4 giant pike 6 HD each Will attack any individual attempting to swim a successful attack indicates that the victim has been swallowed whole. Attacks occur within 1-6 rounds upon entering the water.

    If the Gorge is drained:
    When the water has finished draining from the north end of the gorge the stream bed reestablishes its meandering course. A shallow pool at the base of the north wall on the north side of the wall still remains after the flood was released; water still flows between the walls and into the stream bed to the south of the walls. There is about 6” to 10” of mud and muck at the bottom of the gorge and 4 giant pike lie dying on the muddy ground at the bottom of the gorge.

    Movement is reduced to 5. It will take 2 weeks for the mud to dry.

    At the end of the slow and dirty trek through the mud the gorge ends at a lush green completely over grown mass of plant life. A paved path emerges from the muck and continues on through the vegetation.

    The vale is completely overgrown save for the paved pathways that criss cross the vale. The vale is surrounded by steep cliff faces and there is a small lake in the in the middle and a large grove of fruit trees on the western side

    There is little visibility through the dense vines, trees and shrubbery (visibility 5’).

    b. Entrance to the Vail
    There is a giant mutant pitcher plant Size L 8HD 10 vines 4HP each with sticky acidic sap 1d4 hp damage per round for 1d4 rounds
    The plant will attempt to grab a victim and place it within the pitcher
    A victim placed within the plant will take 1d8 point of damage each round from digestive acids

    6. Lake Stocked with giant pike
    6 giant pike 6 HD each Will attack any individual attempting to swim a successful attack indicates that the victim has been swallowed whole attacks occur within 1-6 rounds upon entering the water.

    7. Vail Orchard apple cherry and pear trees
    10 giant spiders 4 HD each (poison and web)
    8. East wall armory entrance
    9. Upper over look station
    a. Arrow Slits
    10. Armory: Crazy Dwarf Cleric 11th level split personality CE/LG
    11. Mess Hall
    12 Kitchen
    13 Pantry
    14 barracks
    13 dwarf zombies locked in barracks a-g
    15 entrance to the Workshop
    16. Store front
    17. Final Assembly
    18. Black Smith & Weapon and armor smith
    This room has no less than three hearths each is heated by ever burning charcoal
    Each hearth has a bellows apparatus connected to it. The room has a furnace for heating crucibles also heated by ever burning charcoal, and 3 anvils and several quench buckets. Near each hearth or furnace there is a tool table and against the walls are tool racks
    Resting in a quench bucket next to a magically heated forge are several nearly complete weapons

    Addition items of interest are 3 large barrels of crushed lime stone 2 large barrels of crushed glass a large bin of iron bar stock and a small crate of iron ingots.
    19. Copper, Silver and tin Smith
    20. Storage
    21. Receiving dock
    22. Jeweler
    23 Gold Smith Smelter Crucible

    24 Forge entrance
    25. Warehouse and loading dock
    26. Smelter Bloomery
    Fire elemental
    27. Crucible Ovens for alloy forging (Steel Etc)
    Glass beads
    Stone crucibles
    Iron tongs
    Heavy hide glove and aprons

    28. Storage room
    For molds and iron ingots
    20 Barrels of fine dried Clay
    5 Barrels of graphite powder

    29 Office Records
    30 a-e raw ore storage bins
    4 rust monsters
    f. track transfer and cart maintenance
    g. Track leading down to mine
    Collapsed tunnel

    31. Entrance to the west guard post
    32. Guard Room
    33. Dining Hall/Kitchen
    34. Lounge
    a. Barracks
    b. Barracks
    c. Barracks
    d. Barracks
    e. Barracks
    f. Barracks
    g. Privy
    35. Armory
    Tunnels’ leading to small rooms with arrow slits overlooking the gorge
    36. Entrance to the Portal Room and the purification Chamber
    37. Ante room
    38. Portal room
    39. Purification Chamber

    40. Entrance to the Dwarf warrens
    The warrens have 6’ high ceilings
    41. Lounge
    42. living quarters
    43. living quarters
    44. privy
    45. dinning hall
    46. living quarters
    47. living quarters
    48. kitchen
    49. living quarters
    50. library
    51. living quarters
    52. living quarters
    53. living quarters
    54. living quarters
    55. living quarters
    56. living quarters
    57. pantry
    58. freezer
    59. guard room
    60. long hall
    61. Guard room
    2 Stone golems
    62. Trap
    63. Guard Room
    4 Whites
    64. Reception Room
    65. Vampire Office
    a. Receptionists Bedroom
    b. Thralls bedroom
    c. Thralls bedroom
    d. Vamps Bedroom with secret door leading to area 59
    66. Storage
    67. Feeding Chamber
    68. Prison Cell
    69. Prison Cell
    70. Vampire Tomb
    71. Temple Entrance
    72. Atrium
    73. Temple
    Old Black Dragon sitting on its treasure horde

    74. Temple Treasury

    too much info?

  3. #53
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Probably not enough if you were playing

    But what you can do is put it into a text file and attach it for those people who want to look at it. The Manage Attachments has a 2MB limit for text files or 8Mb for PDF's. (Personally I don't like pdfs but im probably weird in that respect).

  4. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
    Probably not enough if you were playing

    But what you can do is put it into a text file and attach it for those people who want to look at it. The Manage Attachments has a 2MB limit for text files or 8Mb for PDF's. (Personally I don't like pdfs but im probably weird in that respect).

    I took most of the good bits out

    good advice

  5. #55


    updated Dwarf Hold

    I think I need to get rid of the square shape behind the main map

    what say ye all
    uploaded a pdf as well for a anyone wanting a closer look
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Attached Files Attached Files

  6. #56


    I guess it depends on the look that you're going for. As it stands the images look like they've been cut out and stuck on the scroll. Another way of approaching it might be segue the outlines of the images onto the scroll and use a multiply type layer style so the texture of the scrolls shows through - that way the images would look like they've been drawn on the scroll itself. By the way, I really like the shape of the scroll - how did you make it?

  7. #57
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    The scroll is very cool. It needs some shadows in the curls though otherwise there is an inconsistency between those and the drop shadows on the white behind.

  8. #58


    cant take any credit for the scroll--stock art

    if you think it is bad form to use it let me know

    i was in a hurry

    here are some tutorials on how to make a similar scroll or poster

    this is how i would start the process

    Draw masking layers in illustrator
    import into photo shop and separate all the colors into masking layers

    see atached pic
    Attached Images Attached Images

  9. #59

  10. #60


    Scroll tut2.png




    so this is as far as i got befor i got bored

    A.D.D and all

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