Hello all,
Since joining a week ago, I've read a few fantastic GIMP tutorials and decided to take a project I've been tinkering with on paper to the digital side.
After a few days of messing around in GIMP and trying to get the hang of things, I'm equal parts happy with how things have turned out and disappointed with the steep learning curve.
The below pictures in order are (if I uploaded them correctly):
- A pen-and-paper Tectonic Plate map with movement directions, created entirely at random and assigned by my wife calling out directions on a clock.
- A pen-and-paper Landmass and Major Elevation map created using the Tectonic Plates and movements as inspiration (and quite a bit of artistic liberty).
- A pen-and-paper Weather Pattern map scribbled over with my best interpretation of the Koppen Climate classification.
- Lastly, a GIMP rendering of the same world map with some mountains, forests, rivers, and a handful of varying terrain types (grass, dirt, sand, snow).
My To-Do list includes, besides the obvious "get a better grasp of using GIMP":
- More regional difference in terrain (everything looks a bit similar in color and brush, save the eastern continent that I want to resemble a vast cliff-laden desert)
- Apply detail to outlying islands (the smaller island chains are very bland currently. They should be partially volcanic ranges and Mediterranean-like locales)
- Better mountains (I followed RobA's tutorial, but I think applying it to a world map rather than a smaller continent or regional map may have skewed the details)
- Better cliffs (because they're currently just skinny mountains with a high depth setting)
- Add Kingdoms/Cities/Circles of Influence
- Figure out proper trade routes, sea- and land-traveled
- Most likely re-do the whole thing after taking some criticism and critique from the community
I look forward to seeing some ideas on how to better this map, or any questions about it! Keep in mind, this is my very first pass through GIMP on any project, so if it looks like I made some glaring simple mistakes, call them out! I won't be offended.
- hustle
Unnamed Tectonics.jpgUnnamed Landmasses.jpgUnnamed Weather Patterns.jpgUnnamed GIMP Render.jpg