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Thread: Heian Shrine

  1. #51


    Its a pleasure being of some small assistance

  2. #52
    Professional Artist ThomasR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Angers, France


    Line art is spot on (almost looks like you "schleyed" it up) and the colors promising. I'm eager to see it shaded

  3. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by thomrey View Post
    Line art is spot on (almost looks like you "schleyed" it up) and the colors promising. I'm eager to see it shaded
    Good catch Thom... my tiny secret is out O.o
    I did play with the lines a bit to make it looks Schley-like. They are on only on trees for now and not in every image i uploaded here . I am experimenting with them and see how things look like with and without extra effects

  4. #54
    Guild Expert snodsy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Area


    Your work on this is incredible. The line work is stunning and your coloring is beautiful. Shadows are a hard part on these complex buildings, One thing to make sure of is knowing the location of the building and which way it's facing, so that a northern hemisphere would have a southern exposure, north shadows, then depending upon time of day, how long the shadows might be. You probably know this just making sure. Looking forward to seeing this advance, great job, always love your work.

  5. #55


    Those roofs are so complicated... The line art is truly excellent .

  6. #56


    Thanks snodsy and Ilanthar.

    Here is small update with different buildings and trees.


    Buildings have all shadows. I may play with their opacities later on.

    As for the trees.... I didn't realise this will be so complicated. Right now i am drawing shadows cast by trees on ground and other lower trees. That will help define which trees are higher and which lower. Later i will also add shadow to the lower right side od every tree. Here is question. I think the additional shadow should double the shadow that already is on the trees, making them even darker in some places. It that right, or should all the shadows of the trees be same tone?

  7. #57


    I just knew this map was going to turn out beautiful!

    Good question on the tree shadows - you've done an excellent job of making them seem three dimensional. They're already popping out of the screen at me even though you haven't finished the shadows yet.

    This is only thinking out loud, but... house shadows are solid and would not be additive, because they are either there, or they are not (mind you the depth of the shade cast by a house will also depend on how much light is being scattered back into the shadow by neighbouring whitewashed walls or a pond for example)

    Trees on the other hand cast canopy shadows, which are dappled rather than solid - sunlight still leaking in - potentially around every leaf in a sickly tree, so its conceivable that a tall tree standing over a short tree could deepen the shadow beneath the two. It all depends on the thickness of the combined canopy they have between them I suppose.

  8. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    I just knew this map was going to turn out beautiful!
    It is not done yet...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    This is only thinking out loud, but... house shadows are solid and would not be additive, because they are either there, or they are not (mind you the depth of the shade cast by a house will also depend on how much light is being scattered back into the shadow by neighbouring whitewashed walls or a pond for example)
    This is exactly what makes "The Shadow Theory" so confused. It seems like there should be just one same shadow over whole roof, but... either it is right or not it makes drawing better if i deepen shadow on lower roof, if there are 2 roofs stacking on each other. This helps to spot that there are actually two roofs stacking, or a height gap between a complex roof.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Trees on the other hand cast canopy shadows, which are dappled rather than solid - sunlight still leaking in - potentially around every leaf in a sickly tree, so its conceivable that a tall tree standing over a short tree could deepen the shadow beneath the two. It all depends on the thickness of the combined canopy they have between them I suppose.
    Is what i thought.

    Thank you as always Mouse and btw. I noticed you have some nice parchment textures in your profile. You mind if i try using them in some maps ?

  9. #59


    Go right ahead - free for any use, private or commercial (except for selling on as blank parchment in their own right of course).

    I'd be chuffed to bits if I caught a glimpse of one of my parchments peeping through from the background of one of your lovely maps

  10. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Go right ahead - free for any use, private or commercial (except for selling on as blank parchment in their own right of course).

    I'd be chuffed to bits if I caught a glimpse of one of my parchments peeping through from the background of one of your lovely maps
    Thanks, i will credit you if i will use them

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