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Thread: Feb / Mar '18 Light Challenge: Telvehr

  1. #51
    Guild Expert
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    Thanks so much for all the nice comments guys I really appreciate it.

    Arsheesh... I have tried more shadows and a drop shadow and this is the issue I'm having. The trees do look better with more shadowing, but when I do that they swallow up the mountains and dominate the map and it makes the mountains look flat. I really don't want the trees to be the focus, really, the real issue is about balance. I'm trying to figure out how to get the trees to look good without drawing too much attention away from the mountains, I never realized it would be such a struggle.

  2. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by kacey View Post
    Thanks so much for all the nice comments guys I really appreciate it.

    Arsheesh... I have tried more shadows and a drop shadow and this is the issue I'm having. The trees do look better with more shadowing, but when I do that they swallow up the mountains and dominate the map and it makes the mountains look flat. I really don't want the trees to be the focus, really, the real issue is about balance. I'm trying to figure out how to get the trees to look good without drawing too much attention away from the mountains, I never realized it would be such a struggle.
    Hmm, well the shading doesn't need to be that pronounced in order to add a sense of depth. A light touch is all it takes really. Here are some examples of what I mean. But you'll have to be the judge as to whether or not even this much shading places more focus on the forests than you desire.

    Attached Images Attached Images

  3. #53


    Looks really good Kacey. I agree with arsheesh that a touch of shadow would make the forest even better. Try to experiment more with vey subtle dark colour.
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  4. #54
    Professional Artist ThomasR's Avatar
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    Angers, France


    Have you tried a really heavy shading on one layer, heavy highlights on another, secondary layers for secondary shades and lights and playing with opacity until you have what you want ?

  5. #55
    Guild Expert
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    Thanks so much for the pointers guys, and for the examples Arsheesh this actually helps allot (who made these btw?) was it you Arsheesh? I really like the ones on the left, this is exactly what I’m after and now I can see where I’ve gone wrong.

    I got further along with my labeling last night then I thought I would so I may actually have time to experient a little with the trees. Mine seem to have more lines in the center bulk of the trees so I’m thinking if I remove some of the lines and then use a rough brush to just hint at some darker areas I may be able to get closer to what I’m after.

    I’m excited to try this now, thanks again I really appreciate the feedback.

  6. #56


    Glad to here it Kacey. This is already a lovely piece, but I think once you add the shading to the forests it will be even more so. And yes, those examples were taken from some of my own work. The one on the left is from a commission I did a couple of years back. Happy shading.


  7. #57
    Guild Expert
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    Most of the labeling is done, I just have to do the water now and I'm hoping to add some roads but I finally feel like I'm reaching the finish line. I'm not sure if the labelling is hard to read, when zoomed in to print size which is 13 by 19 inches I can see it just fine, though I'm not really able to tell what it looks like as a whole because my screen is so small on the surface tablet.

    I did add a very subtle drop shadow to the tees and a touch of darkening to the shadows, I'm not sure if it's even noticeable but I think it makes a slight difference. I think I need to practice doing trees on a seperate thread after the challenge is over. I keep meaning to make an experiment thread in the miscellaneous section but I might actually do it now.

    Arsheesh... Those trees are lovely you're client must have been really happy with that map... Would it bother you if I tried to emulate that style in the future? I really like it allot.

    ### Latest WIP ###

    labeling test.jpg

  8. #58
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Maine, USA


    Beautiful Map!

  9. #59


    Subtle change but it does give the forests a bit more depth. Nice work.

    It would not bother me in the least if you decide to try to emulate the style of my Akos forests. To some degree or another we all learn from, are inspired by and borrow from others in our art.


  10. #60


    That is a great improvement Kacey. The map already looks gorgeous
    New Horizons
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