This is great stuff. I find it personally very inspiring, in that it makes me envious of your skill and your eye for detail and composition.
Max, You are amazing. I would like to discuss a commission with you. The contact form on your website was not working for me.
This is great stuff. I find it personally very inspiring, in that it makes me envious of your skill and your eye for detail and composition.
Open to cartographic commissions. Contact me: christian [at]
Did you have professional training, btw.? Went to a school of arts or something? Or did you teach yourself?
Thanks much guys, glad you like it !
Lhannag, actually I came to cartography and drawing pretty late so I didn't have the chance to study art in school and I taught myself (well I'm still doing it anyway)
You definitely are talented!
Same thing here, I'm just now learning to draw, being in my mid-thirties, but I guess things happen when they happen! C'est la vie, right?
Anyway, I need to sit down and bring up the patience and tenacity to learn how to draw things like the bridge you did there, that's just fantastic. I'm kind of glad you taught/are teaching yourself, that gives me hope and you another level of respect.
Thanks again for giving insight into your working process, this has definitley been of help to me.
Well I guess it's never too late to startAnyway I'm glad that my works help
ok so here's a WIP map with some advanced sketching work on an isometric island :
Iso island.jpg
It's been a long time since I've updated this so this have to be fixed
Here are some samples of a couple of maps on which I've worked lately/still working. they should be published/done early 2015.
MSample.jpg Dsample.jpg Gsmaple.jpg KSample.jpg ASample.jpg
And here's the quick 10 steps process for a map I've done lately. WIP thread here and finished map here.
Evandyr process.jpg
Just looking through this thread and wanted to say thanks for sharing Max. Your work is really inspiring.
My pleasure Nightshade !