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Thread: Twin River City [WIP]

  1. #61


    *Mode super picky on*
    Hmm... I don't know if the numbers are definitive, but if they are you should maybe do something as many of them are going out of their banner : 22, 15, 38, etc...
    It's certainely a matter of taste, and because I loved so much the 'just orange' colors harmony of the map before vegetation, but I would use a different green, less saturated, for the trees (but it's maybe just me, because I always have problems with green). However, the shadows are great !
    Maybe find (or paint) a less repetitive texture for the big banner on the top left ?
    *Mode super picky off*

  2. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by MistyBeee View Post
    Hmm... I think my approach is different. Maybe because I often work with watercolor, or because I always try to get inspiration from historic map makers and traditional techniques, instead of thinking about texture I think about transparency. My color layers are always low opacity, so don't hide the background textured layer : except rare case, it's the background which gives the texture to the whole map.
    I made this for you : it's a simplified view of my current work on DarkSouls. The color itself is really quickly made to give a first idea of the color step to my client, so it's not perfect, but should illustrate our case here
    Attachment 108965
    Let's see, to read from bottom to top, as usual :
    • Clean linework : as you can imagine, here are the dark lines from the linework ; 100% opacity, etc.
    • Sketch : nothing useful here : just the blue lines from the first sketch
    • Color folder :
      • Texture + light & shadow : As told before, it's a quickly made sampler so I was lazy here and put all on a single layer. With using the same chalk brush 50% opacity + pen pressure opacity, I suggested bricks, added some texture and, added light (coming from top right) just by picking the parchment color. The layer is 100% opacity, no effect, no color mode... just a few light brush strokes
      • Color base : This is just a fill layer>solid color + a mask ; any plain color 100% opacity do the job here. As you can see, this color layer is 100% opacity, but the 3th picture shows the mask which is painted with low opacity (here with a chalk brush 50% opacity + pen pressure opacity). A second pass with the same brush suggests the shadows (or shades ? I never know -_-). As it's low opacity, you can still see the paper texture below by transparency.
      • Opaque white square : This is just to help you see better the transparency of layers above
    • Background : here is the parchment that is the support of the whole map : the "paper feel". I must confess it's not super textured, so not ideal for the demonstration ^^'

    Now... even with low opacity, it's real that the paper texture is still slightly lower where color is. If I need more texture, 3 solutions :
    - Just paint more texture on the "Texture + light & shadow" layer : it's what I usually do, using the same texture brush that I use for painting my background parchments.
    - If the map is totally painted/covered with color, just playing with contrast or levels, make the background itself more textured.
    - You can also duplicate the background parchment and put it on the top of your layers (or just after the linework). Make it grayscale only, play with the levels and contrasts to strengthen the texture, put the layer on Overlay mode and then ajust the light of this layer to make it as close as possible to a 50% grey, which is the exact tone that don't 'burn' the picture with overlay mode. I let it at 100% here to show you, but a lower opacity would be better :
    Attachment 108966

    That is neat. Also different from what I do but an interesting approach.

  3. #63
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MistyBeee View Post
    *Mode super picky on*
    Hmm... I don't know if the numbers are definitive, but if they are you should maybe do something as many of them are going out of their banner : 22, 15, 38, etc...
    It's certainely a matter of taste, and because I loved so much the 'just orange' colors harmony of the map before vegetation, but I would use a different green, less saturated, for the trees (but it's maybe just me, because I always have problems with green). However, the shadows are great !
    Maybe find (or paint) a less repetitive texture for the big banner on the top left ?
    *Mode super picky off*
    Nah, the numbers are on their own layer, so I can resize some of them, or all of them if I want. Do you like the small banners behind the numbers?

    The green is a very valid point, one I have to consider. I can also go full fantasy and make all the trees a very interesting color that melds with orange tone of the map.

    The top left banner is at least very easy to replace the texture. So, will do captain Beee! *Salutes*

    Thank you for putting super picky mode on for me. I do mean it. Sometimes we want to be really diplomatic here on the guild, but sometimes when it comes to a really ambitious map it is necessary to encourage one to look closer.

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  4. #64
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
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    Question Desat trees or Warmer hue


    Okay, changed the banner and the size of the numbers in certain places. Also their color.

    Now, I tried toning down the saturation of the trees in one of the two versions down below and the other I went with a color closer to the the buildings, a warmer hue. Let me know which you all prefer.

    I have to say, I am a bit uncertain what to do with the title. It is not my strong suit yet. *shrugs*

    ### Latest WIP ###
    Thunder Rock_DesatTrees.jpeg

    Warmer hue trees,
    Thunder Rock_WarmColorTrees.jpeg

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  5. #65
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
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    I finally figured something out for the title.
    Apart from that, I added a few boats, some shadows to certain places. Also, at the top I added some crops.

    This version is one without the banners and numbers. The numbers one is going to be a supplementary one at the end.

    Now, I have another question. Has anybody here ever added a map to a pdf file? I have never done it, but it would be useful to know I can make a pdf for all the versions of the map.

    I do have some things that I can add as nice to haves to the map, but other than that, the map is nearing its finished state.(At least for the day version.) I would appreciate some more nitpicking modes before I declare it done. Hehehe. (Remember, this file in this post is one version, the one with the numbers is another. So both can be scrutinised.)

    Just a big thank you for all the encouragement and feedback from all of you so far. It means a lot to me.
    Have a lovely day,

    ### Latest WIP ###
    Thunder Rock_Title_byOmri.jpeg
    Last edited by XCali; 08-01-2018 at 08:48 AM.

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  6. #66
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
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    Hi everyone!

    With no following feedback for my day map, I think I am calling it finished for now. (If you do want to comment on it still, you are welcome, just add that it is for the day map. )

    Okay, that said, I want to start adding lighting to the night map. I've only experimented small scale with this, so I am running blind from here on out.

    What I tried for the first experiment was, a basic brush with a soft edge, vivid light as my mode of choice. (I copied the layers from my day map with the buildings color and trees. I just kept it in as a single layer to Alpha to select. This is so my light doesn't go over my buildings.)
    Still, I have an inkling there is far better methods out there to add lights to a night city. I just have no clue what.
    Anyway, tell me what you think and by all means point me in a different direction if you know of easier and more atmospheric ways to this part.

    ### Latest WIP ###
    Thunder Rock_Night_Lights1.jpeg
    Last edited by XCali; 08-05-2018 at 11:26 AM.

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  7. #67
    Guild Expert Adfor's Avatar
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    Oh my god, Cali, you may have just achieved greatness with the night time feel, that city is going to look so incredible when all the lighting on the houses is done. Soooooo goooood!

  8. #68
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adfor View Post
    Oh my god, Cali, you may have just achieved greatness with the night time feel, that city is going to look so incredible when all the lighting on the houses is done. Soooooo goooood!
    Hehehe. Thank you, I'm flattered. Though still a big experiment the whole lights thing, I am looking forward to getting them done too. I hope it does a night map justice.

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    ~Matt 11v 28-30

  9. #69
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
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    Wip First half done

    Hi everyone!

    I was away for a few days, but I got back to adding lights to the Night version.

    This phase is a bit of grind, though I do feel it will add to the map when done.

    ### Latest WIP ###
    Thunder Rock_Half1_byOmri.jpeg

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    ~Matt 11v 28-30

  10. #70
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
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    Default Lights about done :D

    Yay! The lights are about done.

    Okay, as I went with my first plan for the lights, I wondered if I grew the selection by 5, threw in the same color I used for the base light into another Vivid color mode layer, and Gaussian blurred it by 1.5 -opacity of the layer down between 24-40- that it would give a nice glow to the streets. I must admit I do think it can work.

    Also, for the bigger towers and stuff, I added lights without using the Alpha to selection from the color layer and used an eraser to remove the overlapping light on the lines.

    So basically my lights layer wise looks like this:

    Vivid Color Mode layer: 60%opacity (A copy of the lights layer)
    Vivid Color Mode layer, Street: 24-40%opacity, Color drag, Gaussian blur 1.5 (Alpha to selection Lights layer then grow by 5, drag drop same color into it)
    Normal Mode, Lights Layer: 5-30%opacity (I used a cream color, a brush with a soft edge.)(AS I PLACED all the lights, I used 100% opacity on the brush, and 100% on layer-though the layer op came down to the 5-30 afterwards-)
    Base Night Map layer
    (Non active)Base Day Map Layer: (So that I can edit the day map and still bring it across for the night map without hassle.)

    (NON active layer) Color for buildings-> I had this one up from the day map, it was just the color of the buildings. I used this to Alpha to select + Invert selection to keep the lights from going onto the buildings.

    EDIT: Just a reminder, I exported this at 85% quality, if it seems a bit blurry.

    24%opacity version
    ### Latest WIP ###
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by XCali; 08-13-2018 at 10:29 AM.

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