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Thread: [WIP] Home-brew Campaign Setting Map

  1. #61


    The mountains are coming along nicely. About the forests though, they seem a bit blurry and indistinct to me, especially given that your linework on the mountains is so clear.


  2. #62
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    This is looking good! I really like your mountains and think they're very well done. I can see what Arsheesh is saying about the forest line work and I think the pine forests at the top could use a little more definition, but I think the rest are OK. I think I would add a little bit more colour in the forests, maybe just a few different shades of green/blue/orangey-brown, just to make them stand out from the background more, but perhaps you've yet to start on that?

    I really enjoy watching your maps come together.

  3. #63
    Guild Journeyer wthrasherb's Avatar
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    @ arsheesh and @ ChickPea Thanks folks for the feedback! The forests are hopefully getting worked on more today. Started on them yesterday and got distracted touching up other little bits. I should have an update to post later today...

    Thanks again for the comments! I appreciate you guys/gals taking the time to comment!

  4. #64
    Guild Journeyer wthrasherb's Avatar
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    Ok, so I think I got the forests looking a little better. I MIGHT be finished with the land /geographical features on this one. I'm looking now to start adding labels and map info and such.

    As usual, all feedback is encouraged and welcome!


  5. #65
    Guild Artisan Pixie's Avatar
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    I like the overall feel of it. The mountains are very dominant and the "dark/eery" style of them marks the style of the map.

    The rivers don't fit that style, an almost-black-shade-of-blue would be better imho, using lines equal in size to the lines in the mountains. Just my two cents..

  6. #66


    A nice world, and overall very well done map. I am curious as to what font you are using?

  7. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by wthrasherb View Post
    Quick update on the world map.

    No real changes since the last version I posted except I filled in actual continent names and adjusted some text stuff.

    This campaign setting is being made up as I go, so the continent names are potentially subject to change in the future. I'm developing the setting from the perspective of the people that live in the small area of land that connects North Atlantea and South Atlantea, so the "known world" may not extend to the other continents in the current time period. I labeled the map and laid out the continents more for my sake than anything. Again, I'm making this stuff up piece by piece. I'm trying to flesh out some details today and over the weekend.

    So TECHNICALLY, I'm "finished" with this WORLD map, but I'm using this thread to develop maps for the campaign overall, so I'm just going to keep posting maps related to this setting in this one thread... unless mods decide otherwise I guess.

    Welcome to the world of Mythrengard everybody!
    loving the base map, but not so much the fonts on the continents, perhaps they need to be smaller?

  8. #68
    Guild Journeyer wthrasherb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pixie View Post
    I like the overall feel of it. The mountains are very dominant and the "dark/eery" style of them marks the style of the map.

    The rivers don't fit that style, an almost-black-shade-of-blue would be better imho, using lines equal in size to the lines in the mountains. Just my two cents..
    Pixie, thanks for the feedback. I try to make the rivers close to the ocean color. While I appreciate your opinion, I think I am satisfied at the moment, with most of the geographic features. I will take your comments into consideration though. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyros View Post
    A nice world, and overall very well done map. I am curious as to what font you are using?
    Kyros, thanks for the kind words. I appreciate you taking the time to comment. The font in the World Map is called Aquiline Two and can be found here.

    Quote Originally Posted by GuruKast View Post
    loving the base map, but not so much the fonts on the continents, perhaps they need to be smaller?
    GuruKast, thanks a lot! I'm glad you like the map! I really appreciate you taking the time to comment. Your comments have been noted and I am going to look into making the continent labels a little smaller. I'm actually in the process of a rework of some ideas invovling this map and the world/setting in general, so I may be making a few changes here and there anyway. Thanks for the input!

    Sorry I've been kinda quiet. Going through some alterations to the setting and campaign concept and haven't been working on the maps/visual aspects as much lately. I should have something new to show soon, so STAY TUNED...

    Keep the feedback coming folks! It only makes me better!

  9. #69
    Community Leader Jaxilon's Avatar
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    This is looking good. I agree that the mountains are really hard inked, in comparison to the rest of the map. Maybe soften them up or strengthen some of the rest of the features? This is coming along nicely Though.
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  10. #70
    Guild Journeyer wthrasherb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaxilon View Post
    This is looking good. I agree that the mountains are really hard inked, in comparison to the rest of the map. Maybe soften them up or strengthen some of the rest of the features? This is coming along nicely Though.
    Thanks for the feedback. I see what people are talking about with the mountains being "inked" a little harder than most of the map, but that is mainly due to the mountains I am using. I've tried drawing mountains my self, but I can't ever seem to achieve the look I'm going for. So I'm still stuck using brushes or icons. These are mountains from the "DeRust" Campaign Cartographer annual pack. I manipulated the initial coloring and such some, but I haven't found a way to tone down JUST the line work. I've tried various Photoshop techniques to try and soften up those lines, but I have yet to find something that looks good. I just tried a Gausian Blur of 4 px and it softened them SOME, but made the mountains look kind of airbrushed overall and I didn't like that look.

    So I'm TOTALLY open to suggestions here. For those that haven't been following along, we are talking about the line work on the mountains in post #64 and a way to make the line work a little more subtle.

    For the record, I may not do anything to them at all. I personally think they look fine, but I'm always open to tips and ways to improve my work, so I'm keeping an open mind.

    Thanks for the input!

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