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Thread: Oct / Nov '17 Lite Challenge: Map an Island - Pick a Shape

  1. #61


    Oh that sounds interesting!

    Now you've got me wondering what it is you're going to try

  2. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by industrygothica View Post
    Fair enough. I still wouldn't mind trying CC3 someday, but I just don't have the energy to learn anything new right now. Old dogs, maybe?
    Old dogs? Nah. CC3+ has a steep learning curve, but not half as steep as when I was struggling to learn how to crudely steer the very basic bits of Krita the other day when the Win 10 update completely messed up my Wacom-GIMP setup for good and all

    Never think you're too old for something, IG, because if you're too old then I'm positively ancient, and I refuse to be older than 6 (shoe size)

  3. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by ladiestorm View Post
    lol... Mouse, I figured it out, and daplunk over at pf had a video that I used to make it work, so it's all good. I'm not ready to post anything, yet, because I'm still working out the kinks of what I'm trying. I don't know how it's going to look, probably terrible, but I am trying something new to me.
    That's what it's about - Learning new things. I don't think my map will win this month, but I'm happy that I tried something new, learned new techniques, and it still looks pretty good. Looking forward to seeing what you've come up with!


  4. #64
    Guild Expert jbgibson's Avatar
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    Alabama, USA


    New tricks vs. fallbacks :-).... there I was fooling with the new (months old scarcely used) Wacom, seeing if I could digitally hand-label stuff, or at least add bits to something digitally typeset. Arrrgh! It’ll feel natural... some day. My dissatisfaction with free fonts in the 1700’s-map-lettering look is none have the exaggerated serifs I’ve come to associate with that era. . “Surely I can use fonts close enough and ‘add tails’ with tablet”, riiiight?

    Not right. BUT! Now I have it sorted where I’ll do the bulk of linework digitally, print in non-photo-blue on paper ... or any color really, since with a color scan back in I should be able to subtract all non-black linework. And (fallback to old way) I’ll do the lettering by hand. Used’ta I found my hand lettering too far from ‘those old map masters’ but I’ve turned up some cruder examples I think I can duplicate :-). I’ve done hand lettering before on digital map by printing the base and lettering on mylar, scanning the stack back in, and touching up. Ink lettering on Mylar and trying to keep it all registered stinks tho. That was with dip pens; now I have a nice fountain pen AND a week away from computer where I couldn’t do digital stuff anyhow. Necessity being the mother of invention... or of de-invention, since I’m doing an old thing rather than thinking up a new way?
    Last edited by jbgibson; 11-04-2017 at 12:41 PM.

  5. #65
    Guild Journeyer mixerbach's Avatar
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    Mount Dora, FL


    Hey everyone! I just wanted to make a quick* general announcement that I just posted my third WIP for West Prapihn Islet, my entry for this month's Lite Challenge.
    Should you or a friend happen to find yourself with a minute that is not already spoken for this week, I would be so pleased if you used it to take a gander at what I've put together so far. If you have more than a single minute and can manage leave a comment with your thoughts on the Islet so far, it would truly make my day.

    But I can already tell what you're thinking, "MB! On this big, intimidating website, it's nothing short of a miracle that I found this thread! How do you expect me to find your little Islet thread among over a dozen entries this month?!"

    To this I say, "fear not!" Anticipating just this dilemma, I have a solution for you! Utilizing advanced Cartographer's Guild technology**, I have hand-crafted*** the following digital object that will teleport you, seemingly by magic, to the very thread in question! Simply click once and hold on tight!

    ╡▓╞══ Next stop: West Prapihn Islet ══╡▓╞

    Failing that, of course, you could just copy and paste this into your browser's address bar: But where would be the fun in that?!

    * "quick" being a relative term. In this case, relative to reading War and Peace.
    ** The Cartographer's Guild denies any involvement in the development of the aforementioned "technology" and wishes MB would cease making these kinds of claims publicly. -Thank you
    *** The term "hand-crafted" is, of course, meant to illustrate that it was crafted by my hands on my keyboard.

  6. #66
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Maine, USA


    OK my Friends! Final Warning! Less than 24 hours remain, I will start the voting just after midnight Tuesday night (Eastern Standard Time U.S.). That is just a little more than 22 hours from now. Get your maps finished, Don't make me come over there!

  7. #67
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
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    Jul 2013


    Wow lots and lots of entries again. This should be a down to the wire finish folks!

  8. #68


    Yeah and they're all great. It's going to be a nail-biter!

  9. #69


    It might take all three days for me to decide what to vote for!

  10. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    It might take all three days for me to decide what to vote for!
    You can cast all of your votes to me, I won't mind.

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