Wow, amazing. I loved seeing the changes and reading the construction stories with them.
Latest Update.
The City of Melekhir 8.0.PNG
I have completed the area between the Market District and the Old Docks. Not sure what I want to call this district. I am open to suggestions.
Wow, amazing. I loved seeing the changes and reading the construction stories with them.
This has map has come along nicely.
I will say the blurred grass texture is definitely distracting. But, well done on the layout and putting together all the buildings. I know city maps are a lot of work.
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~The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
~ Psalm 19
Thank you, KC and XCali.
I have come along way in the art of laying-out buildings during the course of this map. This has been much more work than I anticipated. Changing the scale and jumping up to one square mile was a much more significant change than I realized at the time. Not sure if I would do it again if I had the choice (not sure I wouldn't, though). I thought the auto-layout tool for houses in CC3+ would save a lot of time and labor, but I have abandoned using the tool. It really doesn't work well for this kind of map.
If the map is good, a lot of credit must go to the people who have provided encouragement and constructive input. Looking back at what it was and what it is becoming, I am pleased with the changes I have made in response to the advice I have received.
I have noticed the texture blurs when zoomed in tight. A byproduct of doubling the scale which leads to tighter zoom-ins. It may have been a problem before the scale change, but I didn't notice it then. I will have to go with a higher resolution background next time. Another lesson learned and I am sure there are many more on the horizon.
The City of Melekhir 8.1.PNG
I redid the block that is one block over from the riverbank (the area with the large, flat-roofed building in the NW corner). North of that area you can see the old gate and a section of old wall that remains in place. I plan to have structures built against the north side of the old wall. I may put in a short section of canal in the area north of the old wall section.
The City of Melekhir 8.25 R.png
Haven't done a shot zoomed out in quite a while, so here we go. Added large flat-roofed building on north side of old wall (far north side of Market District across the channel from the water mill). May be too large. I'll let it go for now while I consider the matter.
I am slowly clearing out the housing on the west side of the lake and replacing it. I am considering what I want to put on the island with the watermill and granaries. Man, I still have a lot of area to fill.
Edit: A good portion of the walls around the palace have vanished. I am not sure what happened because I didn't remove them (at least not intentionally nor aware of doing it). Must have been some ninja, sapper, gremlin dudes that infiltrated my computer while I slept. I am pushing CC3+ and my computer with size of this city, not sure what the limits ares and if I am close to them. If the city catches on fire suddenly and goes up in flames, I guess I will know I am there.
Last edited by Texas Jake; 10-02-2018 at 05:23 PM.
Wow, all this time spent zoomed in made me forget how absolutely massive this will be
I hope you make lots of backups! (Although rebuilding something usually makes it better because of gained experience.)
I have a deviantART and an Instagram! Shiny
I don't even want to think about rebuilding everything.
When I zoomed out I was shocked by how much I have left to do on this thing. It is a little intimidating. There is a lot of terrain between the city proper and the main port on the SW bank of the river. Not sure how dense I want it between the two. I am leaning towards sparser. We will have to see how much I have left in the tank by the time I get to that part.
I think this is looking really good, Jake. I like that large flat-roofed building near the watermill. I think it is a good shape and size. Although I suppose that will also depend on what you plan on using it for...
Speaking from experience, the best city maps are the ones that are finished some time after passing the "I want this to be finished" point.
Formerly TheHoarseWhisperer