Thank you Charerg. I hoped, that I can do sea ice and some volcano, but after 2 day tests its failed. I will be think that it`s summer map_)))). But maybe I will do it in the future, because after this map, I want start to do zoomed regions of it.
You mean it's still not finished yet? Because if it was me making this map, I'd definitely consider this high quality as a finished piece.
Thank you Charerg. I hoped, that I can do sea ice and some volcano, but after 2 day tests its failed. I will be think that it`s summer map_)))). But maybe I will do it in the future, because after this map, I want start to do zoomed regions of it.
This post finish my previos stepe. Satellite map now in finished map. And I start work with new maps in Kronos. I don`t want create new theme and will be continuie write here.
About plans. How I said, I want draw something like satellite(and atlas) map of all world. I make gird by 50x50 km and it mean that I need draw ~174 maps(without empty sea). May be this nuber will change, because I`m not sure that I can draw it)). I very want draw maps with all roads, houses, rivers, trees. I think 50 km scale is good for this.(not sure).
But first of all I must fixed my mistaces. My DEM and satellite map were different, because in satellite map I hide some Wuilbur relief. Also I feel that some mountains and borders must change. This is small corrections, but it`s important.
I have first problem. I use last Wuilbur DEM from my map and I need brake it in different layers with one color per one layer with saving shade and borders. How do it easy and quicly? I try do it with levels. (I can use photoshop and gimp, but prefer photoshop).
Second problem how draw maps and save relief on the borders in each tiles?
Fast sketch. I think that middle ranges must be level up on 2-3 points.
1. eastern part in Наратар (Naratar) should looks like Greece and Anatolia.
2. western part of middle ranges should looks like middle Asia
3. redraw relief of north part with ice movement
4. Артарден (Artarden) and Каллихар (Kallihar) should looks like Madagaskar and Africa(and Zagros some time)
More details for God of Details! I started experement with big zoomed sattelite map. I dream make all Kronos map like Google Earth. And it means that I need draw 1000 and 1000 maps)) And I sarted draw from small island, near Keldar in Amber sea. I`m not shure how will be connect borders map, but I use my old DEM and try to save Kronos relief in small maps.
First problem after good start. I love like look relief, but it looks good only on small heights. Reason in shadows. But I don`t whant make hand draw shadow, because it looke terrible.
Second problem is shadow for different heights. Big mountais will make big shadows that covered small heights. My Tanat mountains, that must be the heigest mountains look flat So I will be continue experementation.
I think that I need do hand draw height map, withou wuilbur help, and convert it in gray shader.
Have andybody some ideas how make height mountains?
I make sketch of Tanat mountains. Next step try to connect 2 border tiles. If it will be sucsess, it mean that I can make all map in this style.This is not finish view, I will try fixe mountains. Because its look flat.
P.S. added enother shadows
P.S. because this map show u world of bronze and early iron age, there are bigs forests, but I don`t whant hide all map under forests, can u write plz "places of interes", like caves, roads, and etc and I try to adde it on sattelite map in future. Thanks everybody
Last edited by Harrg; 05-27-2018 at 05:09 PM.