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Thread: 3D illustration of a sci-fi Japanese capital

  1. #71


    This is the CICS NAVSOC Poseidon Tactical Dreadnought, and the 2 abbreviations stand for Confederation of Independent Colonies (the regional government), and Naval Special Operations Command. This is both the flagship of the Colonial Navy, and the primary base for Colonial Marines in Colonial Space. Starfinder ship stats below. The ship is in the shape of a giant squid or Kraken, as the name implies, though it appears to have many weapons in it's nose. In reality, only 2 capital persistent particle beam cannons sit as a pair on the lower portion of the nose, the other extensions are antennas for the communications and the scanning array which share the same location - and appears as the tentacles of the squid itself.

    Poseidon Tier 19
    Kraken class NAVSOC transport-carrier dreadnought
    Speed 6; Maneuverability clumsy (-2 Piloting, turn 4); Hyperspace1
    AC 25; TL 32
    HP 600; DT 15; CT 80
    Shields superior 600 (forward 150, port 150, starboard 150, aft 150)
    Attack (Forward) 2 capital persistent particle beam cannons (2d10 x10)
    Attack (Port) 3 Hellfire torpedo launchers (2d10 x10); rail gun (8d4)
    Attack (Starboard) 3 Hellfire torpedo launchers (2d10 x10); rail gun (8d4)
    Attack (Turret) 4 laser net (2d6 x4)
    Power Core Gateway Ultra (500 PCU) x3; Hyperdrive Signal Basic; Systems advanced long range sensors, biometric locks, c6 thrusters, crew quarters (common), mk2 tetranode, mk4 armor, mk10 defenses; Expansion Bays auxiliary shield bay (extend shields x2), cargo hold (6 bays), external docking collars (4), colonial marine colossal bay, power core housing (2), recreation suite (gym), sick bay, tech work shop
    Modifiers-2 piloting, +2/+2/+2/+2 computers, +4 scans; Complement 500; 1000 marines


    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  2. #72


    Quote Originally Posted by Gamerprinter View Post
    Kumori-kyo, one of 24 cloud cities on the Tengu world of Kowareta, one of the moons orbiting Jigoku, the Oni planet (gas giant). Once a verdant Earth-like world that received a bombardent assault by Oni forces using barometric bombs, which toxified the atmosphere and greatly increased the barometric pressure at the surface, making it uninhabitable, except at the highest mountain peaks and in their cloud cities. Once over a billion tengu inhabited this world, now slightly more than a million survive there. Enjoy!


    Attachment 113817
    Floating Cities are always cool ^-^

  3. #73


    So after joining the DSC League Discord community, one of the first requests I got was for an illustration and map (haven't stated the map yet) of a Drift Station. Imagine Absalom Station, for Paizo's Pact Worlds Starfinder setting. Absalom is a giant space station that represents the location of the homeworld of humanity, elves, dwarves and the other legacy races from Pathfinder, now located on a space station. Well the DSC League, sees the Drift Station as kind of an anti-Absalom. A creepy, alternate station located somewhere deep inside the Drift - kind of a cross between hyperspace if that accessed it's own layer of space with say the Astral Plane. When your Starfinder ship goes "FTL" it actually goes to the Drift and distances traveled inside the Drift moves vast distances outside the Drift when you exit. Also whenever you enter the Drift, you take things from the plane were on and take them into the Drift - that's how stuff on the outside gets inside. Now the DSC League preferred a more red cloudscape behind, but this is the best I could. I have to say, I've even impressed myself. This is modeled in Wings 3D, and lit, textured and rendered in Vue Creator... enjoy!


    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
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    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  4. #74
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Nice, that orange is giving me the John Berkey feels. All very imaginative stuff !

  5. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
    Nice, that orange is giving me the John Berkey feels. All very imaginative stuff !
    You know, I've been making maps, since forever. While I've dabbled with 3D for a long time, I've never considered myself meeting the bar of my expectations, like I do of my maps. I'm kind of uncomfortable doing commission work that isn't a map, but this isn't the first time. I'm fine with using my own work in my publications, but doing it for others... eh, I'm not quite ready for that yet, even though I seem to be doing it anyway. <shrug>

    Oh, and Thanks, Redrobes!
    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  6. #76


    Okay, this one's a keeper. I wanted "landscape" illustration of a water world. Had I tried to make a sphere in space, a blue ball with some clouds, just doesn't sound interesting to me. Nor an aerial view a hundred miles over the same, maybe showing some shallow and deeper areas, but still boring. So I decided this is the best way and the most interesting. Here are 4 Man-o-war class Sea Landers, as colony science vessels that are huge (those mushroom caps are 2000' in diameter), with 500 scientists, equipment and submersibles on each one. So the four make 2000 total. Nine more sets of 4 are coming until by end of year 20,000 will be colonized here. Aquafarms are being established. This is for the Planet Builder project...enjoy!

    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
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    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  7. #77
    Guild Expert rdanhenry's Avatar
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    Mar 2009


    So, those are some very big waves.

  8. #78


    Quote Originally Posted by rdanhenry View Post
    So, those are some very big waves.
    Actually the camera view and that closest sea lander is at the bottom of a valley between waves, so the wave just behind the sea lander is blocking the horizon - it just looks like massive waves from this camera angle.
    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  9. #79


    A small planet with a hydrogen sulfide atmosphere, toxic to breathe, but due to rich deposits of heavy and rare earth metals, makes it worthwhile to place terraforming platforms, which two can be seen behind the geologic survey station on this world... enjoy!


    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  10. #80


    The xeno-biologist team spent a full week on planet studying the various lifeforms. An amphibious cephalopod came as great interest to the team, speculating it's intelligence, perhaps being the superior on this world. That is until we encountered the Stygian hexwing hornets that hunt in packs. It's stinger venom causes both anesthetic and paralytic affects on the wound area, then subsequent liquifaction of organic matter, where the hornets suck the cavity clean for feeding. Notably a single individual has the intelligence of a wasp, whereas two have share a hive mind intelligence of a mouse, three of a dog, four of a 5 year old human child, five as a genius intelligent human adult, and six is unknown though presumably superior to human intelligence. Lacking the ability to use tools, these creatures reserve their intelligence to being the apex ambushing predator on the world... enjoy!


    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
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