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Thread: WIP- unnamed fantasy world

  1. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by Pixie View Post
    So your maps look much better, apart a couple of aspects, but I'll leave that to later. First, I want to tell you that I am using also having a look at your climate (doing the stuff you are doing, in parallel). This is because I want to see if my prospective tutorial yields sort of similar results for the same map. If you agree, I'll keep those to myself until you finish your stuff and then we compare notes.
    I like this idea a lot along with the shift in the map, thanks.

    Ok here is the revised map for january. Only atmosphere. changed a few things mostly added a high pressure center high in the northern continent, I shrank the centers down a good bit adjusted the winds in a few areas.
    I also added a few very small high/low pressure centers that most likely have no impact on anything but helped me figure a few things out.
    WM atmosphere winter 1.3.jpg

    Adding that norhtern high pressure center over the north pole became very confusing and after spending and hour and a half reading about the polar vortexes and the behavior of the polar front I came up with this.
    WM atmosphere winter 1.3.1.jpg

    I did this mostly for my benefit mostly it helped me think of the pressure fronts in terms of heat and pressure gradients instead of rigid structures, I then modeled the above after it.
    I mostly left the summer map alone besides changing a few small things. Ok I'm going to now work on my rain map so hopefully I'll have them done in the next day.
    Last edited by ascanius; 07-20-2014 at 10:44 AM.

  2. #72
    Guild Artisan Pixie's Avatar
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    Jan 2014


    Wow, that second map with arrows of different size indicating intensity of the winds is pretty nice!

    I'm glad you liked my suggestions.

  3. #73

    Default Update, temp and rains for winter and summer

    Ok I've been working on the temp and rains map for winter and summer. I've had to redo them numerous times but these are the final result.
    first summer (northern hemisphere)
    -temp dark red= very hot --> light blue = extremely cold. I forgot to add a key to these, sorry.
    Temp july 1.3.jpg
    -Rains. Whitish= very wet --> solid purple = low where land shows through is dry
    Rains July 1.3.jpg

    Winter (northern hemisphere)
    -temp, like above
    Temp January 1.3.jpg
    -Rains, like above
    Rain january 1.3.jpg

    I think I might have to go back and adjust these a bit. Mainly due to how my climate map is turning out. I have a massive tropical monsoon and only small slivers of tropical rainforest on the middle left continent northern hemisphere. I thought that southern area would be mostly rainforest but it's not. So not really sure.

    Edit: Looking at things again and going forward with climate zones I'm thinking I may go back and do this all over. I think there are a few problems overall. One I don't have a very good height map and right now i'm guessing at things. Two I'm trying to do the entire world at once and I'm thinking I'll get better results by going from continent to continent and trying to go for more detail. I don't know maybe I'm worrying too much.
    Last edited by ascanius; 07-24-2014 at 05:44 PM.

  4. #74
    Guild Adept groovey's Avatar
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    Well, I've yet to get my head into rain and temperature, so I can't help you with that, but I do agree that you could benefit quite a bit from having a solid height-map as a base for figuring out the rest. If you want a stylized height-map and not purely a functional one for info purposes like Akubra's and mine, perhaps you could make a rough version first, even if it's uglier than hitting your grandma, so you can work out climate, winds, etc, and then at some point do a pretty version of it. I mean, wasn't it you who recommended me to get the height-map done first?

  5. #75
    Guild Artisan Pixie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by groovey View Post
    even if it's uglier than hitting your grandma
    haha, it had to be a spanish guy to say something like this!

    As for my take on this thread - I haven't found the time to finish my take at your climate, ascanius, please bear with me and wait a couple more days. I can tell you rain patterns are pretty similar, but not equal. Temperature is still to be done.

  6. #76
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by groovey View Post
    Well, I've yet to get my head into rain and temperature, so I can't help you with that, but I do agree that you could benefit quite a bit from having a solid height-map as a base for figuring out the rest. If you want a stylized height-map and not purely a functional one for info purposes like Akubra's and mine, perhaps you could make a rough version first, even if it's uglier than hitting your grandma, so you can work out climate, winds, etc, and then at some point do a pretty version of it. I mean, wasn't it you who recommended me to get the height-map done first?
    Also that can be direclty done in FT , it manages the lookup tables between rain / temperature and produces a climate output , though its not ideally covering all situations it can be a very good start from wich refine I believe .

  7. #77
    Guild Artisan Pixie's Avatar
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    So it took me quite some hours to do this, ascanius, but here is my full take on your planet's weather.

    As you said, the info on elevation is lacking, which means there is a little bit of guessing. Also, those mountainous-filled-with-inlets coasts are a pain in the... to work, so I ignored a number of those details.
    Overall, in comparison to your maps, there are significant differences. However, I think that on a continental scale, the patterns do match. This is a serious test to the work-flow I'm advocating for in the future tutorial, and I am unsure if this level of differences is acceptable.

    What do you think?
    Do these maps and ascanius maps above represent the same situation?



  8. #78
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    I like it but I just don't find the rain color scheme very intuitive to me.

  9. #79
    Guild Artisan Pixie's Avatar
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    The color scheme results from the overlapping of layers (dark blue in "screen" mode") - to me it seems pretty practical and clear, but any alternatives are welcome if they make it easier to read.

  10. #80
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    It's just that I associate blue with rain. Yes I know that water does not have any color...

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