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Thread: [Region 1][Map 07][Location 02] Snapgallows

  1. #71
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Black hills of South Dakota


    Lemur made me an avatar in Spore Creature Creator, he be BumbleMook.
    She even gave him a story,,,,,which I really need to write before I forget.
    SeerBlue and Lemur
    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

  2. #72
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Black hills of South Dakota


    If you introduce someone named, say, Nils the Sunderer, in a tell, and say he has an ancient map of the world hidden away, a map that was the reason for his success upon the seas, sooner or later some liddle one will ask to see it.
    Things get forgotten and then the map gets mentioned again, that same liddle one will ask where it came from.
    Other things come up, like the Haskwood Canifers, and Redrobes tale of ancient forests dwindled to secluded heartwoods, and the focus is shifted.
    Things get forgotten again until it comes time to have a tell about two of the FHCO characters who haven't heard just where they came from yet in any great detail, and half born ideas all come together.
    Nil's ancient map becomes the map of the world in its first ages, when the world was in the half light of false dawn, the Haskwood Canifers become the FirstHome of the Naim, Bumblemouse becomes the Last of the Naim, and Lemur becomes the Tells speaker.
    From there the story grows and grows until it is firmly rooted in Snapgallows lore as one of many of the tells and songs Lemur relates at each visit to the Village.
    From there more goes in, and some comes back out, until it becomes the creation myth of the Naim and the Traveller's Sky. The lighting of the ink black sky by Jahk Jahk Flicker Flahk, son of Bien, who is Bumblemouse, one star at a time as he strives to light the World so he can find his lost mother, taken by forces unknown come to slay both the Naim and the Haskwoods.
    The world is dark, the forests deep, so a bit of Redrobe's firefly lamp is borrowed and the Naim are enabled with the Light. A soft glow that they can summon when needed, like a fireflies fluorescence. Jahk can't find his mother Bien by her light, or another Naim by theirs , and is lost.
    So we pinched inspiration from Redrobes, Torstan, and Toff, leaping from Haskwood Canifers, to Black Holes, and finally to Star systems and the vast distances of space.

    12 mice and a hamster appear, the Loahm and a Tantan, who accompany Lemur both in her travels and in her music. Nil's map gets started and it develops its own life, now the map needs a reason, so it shows the Haskwood Canifers as they covered the world in their youth,,,,,but it is a seafarers map, and the Naim are forest dwellers and caretakers of the Canifers ( a major "Oi" on my part once pointed out) so others appear who sail the seas, transporting their brothers the Naim where they would go, in their service to the forests. They become the Timen, and of them we only now there name, their map, and their brothers the Naim.
    So the land detail is basic, the Timen were folk of the waters, and only the seas were of their concern.

    So indirectly the map below is related to Snapgallows, as it is central to the inhabitants story for the FHCO, much more needs done, tracks and plots, sparse ports of safe harbour, an ancient script for names and such, and whatever else they think of. As it is right now it is just the Heightfield Redrobes kindly supplied us ( as he does for everyone, busy guy) a few shaders generated in Global Mapper, layered in Photoshop, and down sized from its original 8k+ by 4k+ size and converted to jpg. All in all a nice way to spend an hour after an excellent day at Wind Cave, dungeon touring at its best .
    SeerBlue, Bumblemouse, and Lemur
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    Last edited by SeerBlue; 07-18-2008 at 05:22 AM.
    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

  3. #73
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Black hills of South Dakota


    One way to keep the FHCO's interest is to give them something new to do, that once it is set up, they can do on their own.
    And as they are way ahead of me in making structures for the overall Snapgallows map, and with all they have done for Hebbie's, I need something for them to fiddle with while I do renders and move neighbor hoods into Snap.
    One of Lemurs fav programs to "watch" while it runs/renders, is Terragen 2. So I took the imagery made in Global Mapper from the whole world heightfield and set up a .tgd file, that being Terragen 2's native format, which will allow them to do Planetary renders.
    So here be an example, straight out of Terragen 2's free tech Preview edition,
    of the file they will play with as I catch up. These are 8 minute renders, 800x600 (the max res in the free version), they can ad clouds and starfields if they want to theirs, but the render times will increase.
    I didn't work out exactly the image scale to planet size, though it looks a little large if what is visible is covering that much of the globe, I'll have to check to insure I am using spherical mapping in the tgd
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    Last edited by SeerBlue; 07-20-2008 at 12:44 AM.
    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

  4. #74
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Black hills of South Dakota


    The FHC0's have been experimenting with taking what they build in Sketchup and rendering it in Terragen 2, the free tech preview version. Terragen imports the .obj file great, but as we did not pay great attention to normals or texture limits we had to disable some and go with a plain surface layer instead,,, lesson learned
    Here is an example of Lemur's work with clouds, she just fiddles with sliders in the node network and hits render.
    She calls this one "Taste Clouds" as they are so low, and of course we had to make a tell to go with it, which is about 3/4s typed and awaiting her and Bumblemouse's "no, you got that wrong" review, as they remember better than I do just what I said, most times.
    SeerBlue, Lemur, and Bumblemouse
    Attached Images Attached Images
    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

  5. #75
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    Huh, I didn't know TG2 imported obj files. That interface confuses me so I never really worked with it too much, like that other program that uses the same type of interface where you hook things together like a flow chart rather than draw something. Gonna have to go back and check it out some more. Cool pic btw.

  6. #76
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Yup, the object import is in the top menu, Object, when you click on that you get the choice for add object, and after clicking that you can choose object, for a single instance, or population, which will add multiple instances of the same object,,,used for trees and such on the terrain.
    In the pic above it is all sketchup for the buildings and terrain, the atmo, clouds and shader on the town walls is terragen ( the walls is where we flubbed the normals here and there so the texture was spotty).
    Once you get used to the node network it is really quite easy to connect things up, the hard part is making a good render, there are so many inputs I just stick with the basics for the FHCO's,,,though they add things here and there, like the hint of field rows in the foreground grass, which is not in the model, haven't looked to see how they did that yet.
    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

  7. #77
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Black hills of South Dakota


    Well here be, attached in PDF format, the tell that Lemur's "Taste Rain" render from above, led to. It is written to make a three year old laugh, and to give the older Orc's somethings to ponder, lots of things, it turns out. As it is quite long, and it is quite late, cutting and pasting it into separate posts seems too daunting, so, if your interested in Pochard, Ducks, Crick Toads, Quills which never forget whats written, and boots that bite, you'll have to download it, or wait til I have the where-with-all to post it here.
    There aren't any illustrations in it, Lemur and Bumblemouse are still searching for ones we can FHCO, well, not right now, as they are both sleeping, but we will be again tomorrow I am sure.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

  8. #78
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    The 'tell' was quite enjoyable, though at times I had to re-read parts to make sure I understood what was going on.
    My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...

    Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

  9. #79
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Black hills of South Dakota


    Thanks for reading, it is appreciated. I guess it is Odducks rather inexplicable jumps and scurries from one thought to another, which lead to confusion.
    When we are sitting around doing a tell, Odduck seems to get the most laughs, but what works then is hard to translate to paper, perhaps they are really laughing at the actions of the teller, mimicing poor Odduck.....and that would be me...hmmm
    thanks again SeerBlue and Bumblemouse (who named Fallump, Fallump, and made him a satch)
    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

  10. #80
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Black hills of South Dakota


    Snapgallows heads into the Golden Age of Transportation, or at least its tin age.
    Lemur noted are Village was missing something, Squiggly Ways, or roads and paths outside of the realm of 3 years old.
    So we forcred good old Sketchup to spit out an orthographic render and Raith and Lemur are experimenting in Photoshop at different ways of making Squiggly Ways for Snappies to trundle along from Gate to Alehouse, Smithy to old Quarry dig.
    So a couple more layers and filters are being added to the mix and we will see where they end up in a day or two. They have added a few buildings, which I have to add to the key we are keeping up to date as we can, and they have even done a few specialized buildings after browsing through the dundjinni forums....more updates to come.....and we still have to swap out Hebbies with the updated version, once we move the furniture out.
    SeerBlue and the FHCO's
    Attached Images Attached Images
    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

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