Wow! You've all been working so hard a person could make a city of caves with all your maps. Beautiful work everyone - and sorry about the generalised comment. I haven't had a lot of time just lately!
Great band name! I knew you wouldn't let me down MB!
My Battlemaps Gallery
Wow! You've all been working so hard a person could make a city of caves with all your maps. Beautiful work everyone - and sorry about the generalised comment. I haven't had a lot of time just lately!
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
I've never made a dungeon map before or any idea where to start but it seems like section two is dormant so stick me down for that just so it doesn't end up blank.
If you could take the idiot proof version of the instructions, then dumb them down a bit more and send them to me that would really help!
Welcome aboard QED42. You can jump right on section 2. Most of the text is roleplaying details about the monsters, there is just a little room info.
My Battlemaps Gallery
A bit late to the party, so I guess I'll play the healer LOL ... well. with a couple of days left I'll grab number 8 - a secret area - very exiting... feel free to send me the description of the rooms anyone... anyone?
Edit: Found the descriptions online![]()
Last edited by tilt; 10-09-2017 at 02:37 PM.
regs tilt
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Works under CC licence unless mentioned otherwise
Oh my God!!!!
Next time I want to do a photo realistic map, someone kick me. I forgot how long it takes me to fill these rooms. No matter how many pieces I collect or create, I never have the exact ones I need, lol. So I end up making all new ones. Although there are few here and there I still like after modifying them.
End rant. Until the 13th when I feel even more behind.
Have a look about for the item collections like CUSAC and other peoples icons. Many of them are realistic. I also found that with my own very non realistic ones when shrank down to the required scale for this map then they didnt need to be super realistic in order to be effective. I also grabbed some public domain stuff and just put a dash of colour onto old pen and ink sketches and it goes a long way. I got a torturers rack in mine and the rack wheel looks suspiciously like the water wheel in my Guild City map. And the bed of it was just a crate with some planks layered on top. My torturers cage was a fire grate with about 20 broom handles placed on top. So you gotta get a bit creative in more than just an artistic manner !
Oh yes, I agree with Red. One item - many uses. I've used village fountains from Bogie's Mapping Objects as bottomless pits by painting the centre black, and I've reduced grass textures and turned them brown for soil, and I've turned sand textures green and called them grass... and so on
Be a devil - just do it. And if you make a reasonable job of it, and the scale is small enough no one will even realise what you've done unless you tell them![]()
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
Thanks for the advice. I have rebuilt most of my collection from my old hard drive over the last 2 weeks, the old CUSAC and Dundjinni days, so that probably adds to my frustration as well. I try to re-purpose or edit when I can, and I do use some. Its just one of the quirks I have to try and deal with. I make a cot. I know that its fine at the reduced size its at. But no, at creation size I want more. I want rounded edges on the poles, better woodgrain, dirt, grime, and blood stains. And so I pull the file back up and do them again. And if the room has 2 they can't be the same. I don't even like 4 chairs in the same set to be 100% identical in the end, lol. I tell you I have an issue. I consider the fact that I am going with the same torch for all my torches this time a sign I am improving, although I had to make a new one(At least I got to use it under my title).
Love hearing all of this. This is how I make most of my mapping elements. Take a picture of one thing, turn it into another. Tweak, adjust, fiddle,,,multiple variations.
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